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I appreciate everyone's ideas.

I have some string patio lights on order that will at least get me light. I might be able to add a splitter at the end of the strand and hook up a radio or fan. The lights are LED, and I expect they won't draw too much power, but we'll see.
Seeing how your screen name is musicman I suggest you set aside a place where we can eat some killer que and crank out some good tunes. I’ll bring my horn and the beer.
Exhaust to get the smoke up and out. I put a flexible dryer vent hose on mine. It works but I’d like something more elegant and permanent.
You all are the best. I appreciate everyone's ideas.

I am a musician, and a guitar wall hanger will be going up. I imagine playing some tunes while cooking out there. Hopefully next year will be filled with a lot of cookouts and get togethers!!
I am building a lawn shed this spring with a smoker area on one end. I am taking notes. I have a power circuit to run over from the shop, but havent installed the wire and conduit yet.