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I'd see what the inside looks like and the interior dimensions of it. If it's all good, pay the $20. and then smack the heck out them. "We're not really smoke people?" they bought it on a "whim". :mad2:
Don't know about the brand but, I could think of worse things to spend $20 on.
I wasn't able to find too much info on this smoker but looks like they sell for $185 new on ebay. I say for $20 its hard to pass up. Hopefully its still available and they call me soon.
So I got an email from the guy confirming I can pick this up tomorrow. Score!! He's going to measure the size of the cooking grates for me tonight. I'm hoping they are 22.5" like the WSM.

It's worth 20 bones if you need something to do. I understand the leak like nobodys business though. At the very least you get inexpensive parts for another build.
I saw a smoker like that on some web-site.The sections can be broken down and converted to a portable gill with the dome locked on to the base!
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I saw a smoker like that on some web-site.The sections can be broken down and converted to a portable gill with the dome locked on to the base!
I don't know of this clone ( sold at Sears) has those options, the ProQ may be what you are referring to?
Thanks he said it was about 16" diameter. I think I'm going to pass on it after hearing what everyone has had to say about them. I was really hoping it was more like 22.5" so I could use it on my weber.