Construct 4 underground brick pits, each 8'w x 15'l x 8'd. Cover bottoms of pits with large rocks to hold heat. Build a fire in each pit and let burn for 8-10 hrs so there is a solid layer of coals covering the rocks. Cover coals with sheets of iron and place a layer of wet burlap sacks on the sheet iron. Meanwhile cut 40,000# of prime Charolais beef into 25# chunks, tying each in cheese cloth. Saturate cheese cloth with bbq sauce made from the following ingredients cooked together for about 1 hour.
300 crates tomatoes, chopped
4,000 # onions peeled and chopped
50 # garlic
25# green chiles seeded and chopped
15 gals vinegar
50 # ground celery seed
50# ground oregano
10# ground cumin
125# black pepper
700# salt
Place wrapped and sauced meat in pits on wet burlap sacks. Cover pit with boards, then canvas and finally with 18" of sand to hold in heat. Leave in pits for 24 hours. When removed bones will slip out of beef and no knife will be needed.
300 crates tomatoes, chopped
4,000 # onions peeled and chopped
50 # garlic
25# green chiles seeded and chopped
15 gals vinegar
50 # ground celery seed
50# ground oregano
10# ground cumin
125# black pepper
700# salt
Place wrapped and sauced meat in pits on wet burlap sacks. Cover pit with boards, then canvas and finally with 18" of sand to hold in heat. Leave in pits for 24 hours. When removed bones will slip out of beef and no knife will be needed.