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Lucky's Q will be there, hopefully with new pit :grin::grin:
The old lady isn't the most happy about doing both of these because our wedding reception is the next weekend :doh::doh: at my in-laws place none the less.
Smokehouse 72 will be at both of them. Lucky Q, maybe I'll get a chance to meet you at this one. I think we've been in 3 contests together and have yet to run across paths.
Well if you do Ray give him a beer or three for me as he purchased my entries and saved my a**!
we will be at both. Hoping for the same weather as years past. Would be nice to have one night to be able to get out and chat when it's not 100 degrees or pouring rain.
Oh, great... I may just as well stay home... Aren't you suposed to be busy with a baby or something?

I told you guys he has a playpen and infant BigT'z onesies. I hear baby's doin chicken. Jus Sayin.

Team HartBurn is making it's annual showing and our goal is to not get kicked out of the park for being stupid!!
Next day I'm judging LaPorte. Next weekend is judging Mason City.
I'm gonna be pretty BBQ'd out after that.
Smokehouse 72 will be at both of them. Lucky Q, maybe I'll get a chance to meet you at this one. I think we've been in 3 contests together and have yet to run across paths.

I was going to look you up at Mtown.....ate one of Moe's cheese steaks, which was awesome, pretty much needed a nap after that,some friends stopped by, then it rained and rained!
Waterloo will have around 40 and LaPorte between 25-30.
Yes, but we are bringing the baby with :-D.
Looking forward to seeing it!!!

I told you guys he has a playpen and infant BigT'z onesies. I hear baby's doin chicken. Jus Sayin.
And I had hope for our chicken....:doh:

Next day I'm judging LaPorte. Next weekend is judging Mason City.
I'm gonna be pretty BBQ'd out after that.

I know the feeling... I'm doing a 100# pig this weekend, rushing to get my meats prepared for the Shannon comp the next weekend and the two Iowa comps. The weekend after Iowa I've got an 85 pound pig, and the following weekend I'm helping move Ramona's son move to his new appartment... I think the first weekend I get off is Thanksgiving... Oh, wait, that's turkey time:pile::violin:
The bright side

Lucky's Q will be there, hopefully with new pit :grin::grin:
The old lady isn't the most happy about doing both of these because our wedding reception is the next weekend :doh::doh: at my in-laws place none the less.

Tell her to look at the bright could be going to a bachelor party.