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Full Fledged Farker
Mar 26, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Just tuned into this for the first time this weekend. He's a little smarmy, but way more laid back and easy-going than most hyper-cooks on TV nowadays (Guy Fieri?!?!?!). He had 3 good recipes and cooking methods from around the world (Brazil, Africa, etc...) with similar but different cuts and methods, all over fire (gas and wood). It's all outdoors with Weber Ranch Kettles EVERYWHERE!!!

Give it a try! It sure beats some guy yelling at you through the screen from the back of some restaurant's kitchen.
Raichlen RAWKS!

Primal Grill or BBQU, the guy has chops!

Although I did find it amusing when he fired up a Big Drum Smoker with coals on the outside of the charcoal basket.
Raichlen is leans a bit to the stuffy academic side of cooking, but for a worldwide view on cooking over fire he's hard to beat. The Public Television audience is much different than the demographic of "BBQ Pitmasters".
I really dig his interesting recipes and ideas, but he could use a little help in the personality department (IMHO)

I agree, but I also feel his lack of personality is kinda refreshing. He's definitely not a "shock and awe" type of host. I'll be tuning in more often, as I like the setting, the style, and the range of recipes he employs.
I prefer the Primal Grill show to BBQU, I also think when he is trying to be upbeat, he is not as good as when he is just himself cooking.