• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Anyone cooking this weekend?


somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Aug 11, 2003
Name or Nickame
Professor Dickweed
Tonight was Hot Italian Sausage inside

But tomorrow, on Pa Kettle, I'm going with a 4.5# Pork loin, a sage fatty, and 2 chicken boobs offset and smoked at 260 with peach wood from Nthole Neil.

Anyone else gonna fire up?

This weeks experiment, basting the fatty with Dreamland
Well, today, Bill, I put a 10.67lb brisket, 6lb of chicken thighs, 2 chicken halves, a 2lb fatty and a 1lb fatty.

Wife and stepdaughter are out today, so, this serves one.

Started with charcoal in Al's basket, used some pecan, some cherry and some "I ain't really sure but I
thick it is sassafras". Sprayed with apple juice.

Brined the chicken, 3-2-1 the fatties (successfully, Mary), thinking about foil and coolering the brisket
here in a little while.

The 1lb fatty is history (buuuuurp) and so is about 1/4 of the 2lb fatty (buuuurp).

Soon it will be chicken time.

Nothing quite like BBQ and watching the Texans whip up on the Cowgirls in preseason football.

Painted the brisket with a mustard sauce, then applied a dry rub (news flash - touchdown Texans!!!)
consisting of, well, a bunch of stuff but did include some hickory smoke powder.

I have not tried the powder in a rub - I got it to put in some sauce. But, I figured what the heck, it
might add a nice little twist to the rub.
Sunday I will be doing about 26lbs of pork butt, 8lbs of garlic sausage, 2 Hot fatties, and a pack of brats. I think I can get it all in the Dera. Using hickory, ash, and apple.

Going to try the 3-2-1 on the fatties.
If I do cook this wekend it will only be a lot of fatties. Have not decided if I will smoke anything or not. Wife is planning on cooking tomorrow, and she has already come up with a "Honey Do" for me. May not have the time.
We're experiencing unbelieveable summer weather. We've run the A/C less than any year I can remember and only a few days over 90. I usually only fire the oven up once or twice a summer while the A/C is on, so this weekend I'm doing oven stuff. Made lasagna and fresh italian bread and gonna have pizza tomorrow. Made the crust today, trying a new thin crisp crust recipe. OL is having pepperoni, mine will be italian sausage with fresh roma tomatoes and herbs instead of sauce. :D
If it lasts, try this for boneless skinless boobs (mikeg recipe)

Caserole dish
oven at 425
in sauce pan,
1/2 stcik butter melted
1/2 cup bbq sauce
1/2 cup soy sauce
4 good shakes hot sauce.

Put chicken in greased pan. pour mixture on top 400 for 35 min

Also great on wings
Just finished 275 pounds of pork butt and 40 pounds of chicken. Not cooking tomorrow.
did the cookin for a friends party.... last night did 15 racks of baby backs. This morning did 20 lbs of sausage rings and a crate of red/green/yellow peppers for Sausage & peppers. Kept replenishing the fatties case every 3 hours one would disappear from the chamber. i have no idea where they go.. (burp)..... but they keep disappearing and (burp) .. i have to put in a new one in.. (burp)... bought 32 fatrties in baltimeore 2 weeks ago...

got 5 left. no idea what happened to them..... (burp)...
Going to smoke up the two kings I caught last Sunday in Lake Michigan. I'll be eating fish for lunch all week. Yummmmm!
i'm cooking over a gas grill at a friend's party two states away.
2 sage fatties, one rolled in Pasilla chili powder, the other in a Arizona hot pepper. Both covered in a half strip of bacon

Bacon was thrown on cuz the boobs were near skinless on top.
With the help of Theresa, I cooked 20 pounds of bacon and 15 pounds of sausage this morning. We had a fund raiser at the restaurant for playground equipmwnt for the grade school. We had pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, biscuits and gravy, toast, croissants, milk, juice, and coffee. There was a group of 8 to 12 year olds that waited tables. It was pretty cool. We raised just over 1,000 dollars, and had a ball.
My brother dropped off a couple of coho salmon he'd caught friday afternoon. I'd guess a 6-7 lber and a 9-10 lber. Brined them over night in salt & sugar 80:20. Let 'em air dry for about 45 min. Threw on the BSKD. I did a quickie charcoal basket mod using a 5 lb peanut can. Punched holes on the bottom and lower sides. Loaded with 6-8 lit kingsford briquets. Made a woodchip basket out of foil and set it on top of the can. Put my heat shield at the lowest level and was getting 90* in the CC. Hung the fish at 12:30pm and let 'er go. Maintained 90-100* adding a briquet or 2 to the can and reloading the chip basket. About 8pm sunset brought falling temps, breeze died completely seemed to get damp. Temps started falling in the CC. Added 10-12 lit briquets. By 9 had temp up to 145*, held it there until 10, then let it drop to 100-110. Maintained that all night reloading briquets and chips every hour to hour and a half. Took the smaller fish off at 9 the big one at 10. I used apple chips from Menards. Fished turned out really good! Thinner sections by the gut cavity are pretty salty and almost too dry. Body flesh is just about right, moist, smoky, a little salty. Mmmm mmm.

Well worth the effort, as I think all BBQing and smoking is. I think next time I would fillet the fish, leaving the skin on. Maybe leaving the head and tail on one fillet for presentation.

I also smoked some jalepeno and pablano peppers, they actually are in the oven now finishing the drying.

This afternoon I grilled a duck for the mother in law. Brined in salt water for 20 min. Indirect kettle grilled for 1 1/2 hours. Started out pretty hot, was maxing out my temp probe, so kettle temp was over 394*. Let it go khot for about 45 min, then brought it down by closing the vents to 375*. Rotated and turned twice. Came out great. Crisp skin, moist meat.

So after a couple of weeks of not cooking I got a full week end in. :)