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is one Smokin' Farker
Sep 21, 2009
San Jose, Ca
Name or Nickame
Kings post reminded me to post a recent mod I did to my Meco ECB. I had placed a weber smokey joe under it but the air gap between the smoker and weber still let in a little too much air. Temps held steady but it did need a little tlc. Still a big improvement over the useless coalpan that smothers the coals before they even get started.

So.... as you can see by the pic I took a piece of aluminum flashing, cut a few holes and added a vent I had left over from an old cheap grill on the junk pile. I wrapped the bottom with door jam foam to seal up the air gaps in the bottom (from the gravel ground). High temp silicone seals up the flashing to the smoker body so no air gaps there. This set up kicks much arse. I rigged a UDS style firebox and it's rock and roll now.

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Awesome! That is way better than what I have going on.

Do you just lift up the smoker to access the charcoal basket?
Yea it's open on the bottom so it can lift right up. Two screws hold the flashing on to the main body. Your mod will work if you roll foil in the gap, not pretty but it'll get the job done.
Now there's a simple, yet effective mod for a ECB! I believe SmokinAussie should be checking this out in order to get his money worth on that ECB.:thumb:

Excellent MOD, JiveTurkey. Thanks for this... I've just cleaned up my old, rusty SJ and will be mod'ing my El Cheapo Meco this week. Will probably do your original MOD until I can get some flashing, etc to mirror this one... or better yet, until I can get the funds for a WSM!