The lists of cities in this article were formulated from reviews on TripAdvisor, so a people's choice kind of thing. Spoiler alert: A map of the US is at the very top of the article showing the top 10 cities. A chart shows ranking of about 50 more cities.
Of the top 10 listed I would have only picked one. But before looking at the chart, I made some more picks. I picked one in the 11 to 20 group, and zero in the 21 to 30 group. So, even though I got a peek at the top 10, I would have only picked two out of the top 30 cities according to the rating system. Actually I wouldn't get another hit until positions 39, and 47.
Jot down a list of cities, then open the article.
Of the top 10 listed I would have only picked one. But before looking at the chart, I made some more picks. I picked one in the 11 to 20 group, and zero in the 21 to 30 group. So, even though I got a peek at the top 10, I would have only picked two out of the top 30 cities according to the rating system. Actually I wouldn't get another hit until positions 39, and 47.
Jot down a list of cities, then open the article.