Got a present from Mr Klose yesterday. Helped him out with some techno-weenie stuff and he sent me a thankyou gift for my Backyard Chef.
6 sets of stainless steal ribracks and a Klose design Charcoal basket.
This basket runs the charcoal in an "S". I'll call him later to get the details, but i guess ya just fill the channels and then light the very end with a torch or hots coals. Dimensions are 16X14x9, not sure if it fits the Bandera. Weight is 68 lbs. Solid 3/8" plate on all 4 sides, and 3/8 or 1/2" angle around all the edges. Has doubled layer of super heavy gauge expanded steel in the bottom(not the HD stuff we use, but the stuff he uses in his fireboxes). Not sure the $$$ he sells these for, will find out.
Will mostly likley give it the trial run at B2.
Still gonna try Al's in the bandera as soon as the divider arrives. Got another eyeround waiting for it.
6 sets of stainless steal ribracks and a Klose design Charcoal basket.
This basket runs the charcoal in an "S". I'll call him later to get the details, but i guess ya just fill the channels and then light the very end with a torch or hots coals. Dimensions are 16X14x9, not sure if it fits the Bandera. Weight is 68 lbs. Solid 3/8" plate on all 4 sides, and 3/8 or 1/2" angle around all the edges. Has doubled layer of super heavy gauge expanded steel in the bottom(not the HD stuff we use, but the stuff he uses in his fireboxes). Not sure the $$$ he sells these for, will find out.
Will mostly likley give it the trial run at B2.
Still gonna try Al's in the bandera as soon as the divider arrives. Got another eyeround waiting for it.