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- Joined
- May 27, 2010
- Location
- Indianapolis, IN
Today will be my second smoke EVER. My first was on Friday. A small rack of baby back ribs, today a huge beef rack.
I have the Chargriller with the SFB. So far I've done the SFB mkod with the vegetable tray from lowes, although I thoroughly destroyed it trygin to put the orgianl grate as the bottom. As I did extended the smoke stack on the inside and turned the main chamber coal tray upside down. I also thought why not move the internal smoke stack to the opposite side (the side closest to the SFB) to create a reversal flow, will that work?
Without installation I'm still have alot of smoke seeking out, ande I'm sure alot of heat with it. Its very difficult to maintain 250.
Oh, btw the ribs have been on for about 30 minutes and everyone is supposed to show up shortly. The problem with seeing all these mods and tryign them the day of cooking.
Yesterday the ribs were good, but I didn't sauce them in the third phase and I think they coudl have been cooked longer, but they were still good. Especially for the first time.
We'll since I have this COS I better go check the temp, any suggestions on piling the coal, perhaps using my chimney to keep the heat up.
btw the baffle made ouf of the ash tray has seemed to even the temp nicely.
I have the Chargriller with the SFB. So far I've done the SFB mkod with the vegetable tray from lowes, although I thoroughly destroyed it trygin to put the orgianl grate as the bottom. As I did extended the smoke stack on the inside and turned the main chamber coal tray upside down. I also thought why not move the internal smoke stack to the opposite side (the side closest to the SFB) to create a reversal flow, will that work?
Without installation I'm still have alot of smoke seeking out, ande I'm sure alot of heat with it. Its very difficult to maintain 250.
Oh, btw the ribs have been on for about 30 minutes and everyone is supposed to show up shortly. The problem with seeing all these mods and tryign them the day of cooking.
Yesterday the ribs were good, but I didn't sauce them in the third phase and I think they coudl have been cooked longer, but they were still good. Especially for the first time.
We'll since I have this COS I better go check the temp, any suggestions on piling the coal, perhaps using my chimney to keep the heat up.
btw the baffle made ouf of the ash tray has seemed to even the temp nicely.