Knows what WELOCME spells.
Well, I've been using entirely too much Charcoal in the Beast. I made a Cheapie Charcoal Basket but I didn't have it raised high enough so the fuel was drowning in it's own ash. Like most of the 20lb bag in 6-8hrs :-( Too the point I was debating getting a WSM
My Welders on the Fritz or I could have made my own, but while wondering through Target waiting on the Wife I see this in their fireplace and grills sections for $10. It was actually on sale for $9 so even after tax it was less than $10, and it's the right size as you can see. The welds are nothing special but it's made of 1/2" square stock so it shouldn't burn out anytime soon. I plan to use it for burning splits and do the BFH Mod to my Cheapie Basket so it sits on the log rack for when I use the Kingsford.
I'll find out how well it works since I'm smoking Turkey Boobs and a Brisket on T-Day.
- JP
My Welders on the Fritz or I could have made my own, but while wondering through Target waiting on the Wife I see this in their fireplace and grills sections for $10. It was actually on sale for $9 so even after tax it was less than $10, and it's the right size as you can see. The welds are nothing special but it's made of 1/2" square stock so it shouldn't burn out anytime soon. I plan to use it for burning splits and do the BFH Mod to my Cheapie Basket so it sits on the log rack for when I use the Kingsford.
I'll find out how well it works since I'm smoking Turkey Boobs and a Brisket on T-Day.
- JP