• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

wsm mods


    Epic WSM Mod Project: 8" Offroad tires and Steel Pipe Accessory Hanging System

    I've been chipping away at these mods and these videos for over a month (been crazy busy and out of town to boot). I wanted to put a wheel mod on my WSM 22.5, but I wanted something I'd never seen anyone else do before. So, I started shopping for some big ole offroad casters. Ended up with an...

    Just Scored a WSM 22.5 for $160! What to mod first???

    I constantly scan facebook in my area for Webers, smokers, etc. If it's a nice piece and good price, it only lasts a few hours usually. Learned this the hard way on a beautiful red Weber Performer a few weeks back. Tonight I saw a real nice WSM 22.5 for $200. Offered $150 and immediate pickup...
  3. M

    Need Advice on Pit Probe Install for BBQ Guru

    I have a BBQ Guru and after installing the pit probe through the *top* of the door of my WSM 22", the cables burned out instantly. This seems incredible because it is a full 2 feet from the coals...anyhow, after some tense emails, the folks at Guru sent me new ones. Now I have a hole drilled at...
  4. P

    Grilling on a WSM

    Sold the 18.5 and got a new to me 22.5 WSM. No room for a Performer or One Touch on my tiny deck, and although a Primo XL might be in the works next year (after I dump the Genesis gasser), I'd like to do my grilling on charcoal when possible. My query: Who uses their WSM to grill, and how do...
  5. Smokesignalsfromtx

    More mods to the 22.5 WSM

    Hello everyone! Just thought I would share a couple of new mods that I've done on the WSM. After adding the tables I found that is was pretty clumsy towards the back part of the tables between the "feet". To counter this I needed to add support between the feet to allow for less "tip...
  6. Will work for bbq

    Another WSM meat hanger mod.

    My first hanger worked great but it sat on top of the WSM rim and would not let the lid fully seat which I thought would be ok since that's how my BIL's run their drums. It ran rock solid at 295 but I had to close the top vent because of the extra draft created by the lid not being seated. So...
  7. P

    The complete history of my CL 18.5 WSM (Bunch of mods with pics)

    Here is the complete history of my CL 18.5 WSM. Made in Palatine, IL in 1983. Someone owned it for 29 years, now it's mine! Craigslist find $50 (before) 1st. I added some wheels 14" Clay pot mod (to be foiled while being used) New charcoal door from Weber WSM...