• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. M

    Wind Screen

    Upon the advice of Harbor Master and some of the other members I built a wind screen. Not sure if its big enough for a 22.5" WSM. Considering going back to HD and buying 1 more panel to add. I'm really hoping to avoid HD, been there for various reasons like 8 times, since Friday morning. Also...
  2. grilling24x7

    Last minute UDS build advice (painting related)

    So I have all the parts and a new unlined drum. Tomorrow in Baltimore it's supposed to be a high of 51 degrees F. My engine paint can says 60 degrees at least. My choices are: 1. Use propane torch to remove the new pretty black paint that's already on the drum (not high temp paint)...
  3. P

    Cold winter uds smoking

    I have an unattached 2 ½ car garage with a concrete floor. It has an electric fan exhaust system at the top of the end gable and an open ceiling. It has a side door and a 16x7 overhead door and a window on each side of the garage. I have been thinking that I could use the smoker in the garage...
  4. I

    beggin for bacon advice

    As i mentioned in my previous thread i have 2 slabs of pork bellies that have been curing for 6 days now. I am looking for advice on how to get the best result. Here are a couple questions. 1. Can I still add Tender Quick or Salt Peter to the brine? The last run looks like pork chop once it...
  5. I

    Bacon on BGE

    Here is my first go at Bacon on the BGE. I got it as a gift from my amazing girlfriend. I started with 10lbs of fresh pork bellies I rubbed in a mixture: 2 part kosher salt and 1 part brilliant yellow sugar. Then i gave it a good massage for a few minutes. Packed it in big ziplock...