• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

water pan

  1. cayenne

    Blue Smoke Smoker Owners: What size water pan?

    Hi folks, I hope to see my Blue Smoke Smoker come in middle of this month (Sept). I'm having the small heat deflector that sits on the grate right near the firebox....similar in fashion to the one you see on the Franklin pits....I was inspired by folks here who have the BS pits. Anyway, I was...
  2. T

    water pans

    Hi everyone, Does anyone know if water pans result in less product loss?
  3. C

    Ideal Temp for Pork Ribs

    I've been barbecuing at home for about 9 years now. Mainly stuck to pork shoulders, occasionally smoking a whole chicken or two. I love ribs, and I've got a free weekend, so I figured what the heck I'll give ribs a shot. In doing some reading, I've seen some suggestions that recommend smoking...
  4. S

    A hopeful new builder.

    Hi fellow brethren, I'm kinda green here and would really appreciate some good advice/ideas on a build I'd like to attempt. I've only been a smokin' for about a year now, but I'd really like to build a new one. I started my smoking skills on a Masterbuilt Pro duel fuel. It's a vertical smoker...
  5. S

    Water Pans in a reverse flow?

    Up until recently I had been using the drip pan to keep the humidity stable in my pit but I've also noticed the pit is either too humid due to flash off or under because it simply all steamed off and dried out quickly. I've begun experimenting with adding a shelf on the left side of my pit...
  6. A

    Water Pan Questions (or is it a Can of Worms?)

    Hi All, I've been reading a lot on the forum about water pans and I can't get my head straight about them. I also have what must be the dumbest question: I have a SFB on my rig. Does the water pan go in the smoke box or in the SFB? (I said it was dumb, but I know nothing!) :redface: If it's...
  7. H

    UDS and Water Pan?

    Okay, I am seriously considering building a UDS instead of buying an BGE for $1000. The question that occurs to me though is that the plans for building a UDS do not call for a water pan, such as the WSM has. Do you not need a water pan for a) temperature stability or b) humidity in desert...