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  1. Smoke on Badger Mountain

    Broccoli Beef. BBQ style.

    This is a new favorite of mine for super quick dinners. I thawed out a vac bag of brisket flat from a packer I cooked a couple of weeks ago. Threw some broccoli tops in the skillet, chopped up the brisket added some teriyaki sauce and heated it all up together in the skillet. And yes, I know...
  2. R2Egg2Q

    Japanese Inspired BBQ Plate (Pr0n)

    I cooked today for a Throwdown and thought I'd push myself to try something different and went with a Japanese inspired plate. Started with these ingredients (some non-Japenese ingredients snuck in there): I found some old posts by Landarc with recipes for a teriyaki marinade and glaze and...
  3. landarc

    Osechi Ryori (not BBQ)

    I am posting this in response to request from a different post I made. Osechi Ryori is a traditional feast prepared the day before New Years, in the past, it often took several days, as there were many issues with things like refrigeration and such. It focuses on local and seasonal foods...