• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

temperature controller

  1. 1

    Inkbird Temperature Controller review

    I've been running my new Humphrey's Pint without any temp controller to get a feel for it. However, I would like the peace of mind that a temp controller provides for overnight cooks. I have an inkbird wifi meat thermometer that's been great - they quickly replaced a bad probe - so I thought I...
  2. S

    Temperature control: Smobot damper vs. fan?

    Anyone with the Smobot wish they had a fan to help control temperature? Or perhaps glad you don't have the fan? Thank you in advance.
  3. C

    Pitmaster IQ 130 vs WiFi temperature controller

    I am currently running a Kamado Joe Big Joe (KJBJ) with an IQ 110 temperature controller and a Maverick ET 733 digital thermometer. I do a decent amount of long cooks (12-18) hours for boston butt and brisket with excellent results. I have no problems manually keeping temps on my KJBJ but sleep...
  4. R

    DIY PID Smoker Control W/meat Probe

    I just built up a control for an electric smoker using a pair of AGPtech PID temperature controllers. This was set up for an electric smoker but could easily be used for a charcoal burner with the addition of a fan and 12vdc power supply. One controller is used to control the smoker temp and...
  5. P

    Review of the Auber PID temperature controller for an 18.5” WSM (model SYL-1614SYS-W)

    This is my initial review of the Auber PID temperature controller for my 18.5” WSM (model SYL-1614SYS-W). Before I do a performance review, I am going to mention my experience with their customer support and order processing. I found a topic regarding this unit here on the Brethren...
  6. W

    Which Temperature Controller for a Stumps Stretch? *****

    Hi Guys... I have a Stumps Stretch smoker on order. I want an ATC and have been looking at the ones that are most talked about. But I need some help in deciding which one is the right one for me. Here's what I need: It must be extremely reliable. It must be easy to use and a simple design...