• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. ShadowDriver

    Duke City Weekend Shenanigans - / Pr0n

    Happy Phriday, Pholks! It's been a good, but busy week out here in the SW USA. I thought I would celebrate the start of the weekend with a bargain bin t-bone from the commissary and a baked potato. After a good scrub down, I gave the tater a light drizzle of EVOO, followed by a heavy-handed...
  2. D

    Ribeye Steak and Fixings

    So one of my local markets had Rib Roasts on sale. I decided pick one up and cut some Ribeye Steaks off it. I unwrapped it and cut the twine holding on the bones and removed them. I cut 3 2” steaks and the end piece ended up at approximately 1.5”. (I chose the second one from the...
  3. D

    2 1/2" Ribeye Steak Dinner.

    To celebrate my new patio cabinets we invited some friends over so I thawed out a 2 1/2" ribeye steak I had in the freezer. I unwrapped it and seasoned with Primo Chicago Stockyard steak seasoning. I wrapped it up and let it take a 6 hour get happy rest. I now prepped some...
  4. Kanco Connection

    Singed the crap out of my eyelashes but cooked a great steak

    2.2# tomahawk w carne crosta (much appreciation to the Brethren for the fantastic recommendation) and additional S&P. Indirect about 235* took about 1:40 to get to 118*. Used Weber briqs and B&B lump. Took it off and added some EVOO since that is recommended w carne crosta. Got a raging...
  5. SmokinJohn

    Butter Basted Steak

    And now for something completely different.... We start with a Bone In New York Steak. Kosher Salt and Freshly cracked Pepper... This sat for 2 days in the refrigerator.. Cast iron skillet, olive oil, heated to near-smoking.. Steak on! After flipping about 4 minutes, it's time for the...
  6. ShadowDriver

    High Plains Elote... oh, and steaks!

    I offer this up mainly as an unpaid advert for some incredibly fine Mexican Street Food. I cooked the corn with the husk on, over med/high heat (Vortex) for about 20 min. Then, I added the steaks, and went for about 7-12 minutes. Oh, and the steaks were seasoned with a combo of Oakridge Santa...
  7. Kanco Connection

    Do flames make steak taste better or worse?

    When searing a ribeye I don't skimp on the fire--crazy hot. Seared in about one minute per side. But the fat dripping obviously causes some serious flare-ups, as below. I think my steaks taste great, but my wife wonders if it's a little acrid sooty tasting due to the ridiculous flames...
  8. S

    Steak for Lunch

    One of the great perks of working from home is being able to grill some meat for lunch. Today, I grilled a steak on my Weber Kettle and I'm really enjoying it. WHat's your favorite lunch item to throw on the smoker?
  9. B

    Caveman steak directly on the coals...

    I've been wanting to do this since Alton Brown did it like 10 years ago. Finally getting around to it. I cooked the steak directly on the coals and I was hoping to do this experiment side by side with how I normally cook steaks to see which one sears better. Looking back at it now, it was...
  10. OklaDustDevil

    Steak Gravy -- It's What's for Christmas Breakfast

    Christmas morning I made steak gravy and biscuits. It's a dish my Oklahoma grandfather taught me when I was 10. Of course, Grandad would always pull an Angus tenderloin from the fridge and dice it up; I used ribeye this time. It may seem strange to use such a good cut of beef when you're...
  11. M

    Crowd Cow Flat Iron Steak

    https://youtu.be/PmKjyAUfTmU Crowd Cow Flat Iron Steak Ingredients: Flat Iron Steak Oil Salt Pepper Brown Sugar Spicy Chipotle Powder Method: Very quick and easy. Get your grill good and hot just like you would for a ribeye or new york strip steak. Than just rub with oil to prevent sticking...
  12. Kanco Connection

    How to get a more flavorful crust on a steak?

    Guys, I think I do quite well with steaks. Like most of you, I do a reverse sear (kettle/Slow N Sear), and the results are consistently good. My crowd thinks I'm a steak expert. But I want a little more flavor in the crust/sear. I generally keep it simple. S&P, but occasionally I like...
  13. SmokinJohn

    Naturiffic Rib Eye with X-Salt

    So, I was honored to test SirPorkALot's new salt. My weapon of choice: The Rib Eye A nice 16 oz boneless beast: Sprinkled the X-Salt on it: Because the sear unit on my gasser is on the fritz, I use a comal for searing. Finishing it on the grill: Served up with a little mushroom...
  14. Fwismoker

    Kabob Night...Blowing up the grill.

    Had lots going on the poor ole 007 tonight! lol On the menu was beef sausage and marinated sirloin steak for the kabob meat. I did the kabob veggies in the basket...think I like this better so I can focus on the meat for the spin. Chicken quarters also off to the side. Definitely a fun...
  15. D

    Top Sirloin Steak with Blue-Cheese & Herb Compound Butter

    The local market had Top Sirloin on sale so I picked up a steak. (This was actually $5.31) Rubbed it down with the above ingredients and wrapped it up to get happy overnight. Got my Jumbo Joe scorching hot and place on the steak. (Sorry for the blurry Pic) Seared it...
  16. Smoke on Badger Mountain

    New York and Artichoke dinner. Super simple. (pics)

    Hey Folks, I picked up 4 NY steaks at Costco last week and cooked up 2 of them tonight. Kept it super simple. Kosher salt and fresh course ground black pepper on the steaks. Just garlic, pepper and eevo on the artichokes. Cooked them direct on the kettle over some lump. The snow came back...
  17. Fwismoker

    They called it a chuck roast, I called it a big farking steak!

    :heh: Used the jaccard, and dry brined then it went on the 007 in grill mode taking it to medium. Gotta say it wasn't too darn bad...definitely not a rib eye but pretty darn good and it was large enough to be two large steaks. The juices were definitely flowing! The baked taters were done...
  18. cayenne

    Help Needed: Grilling A Steak Right....

    Ok, I dunno what has happened to me. When younger, I was pretty darned good at cooking a good medium rare steak on the grill. I'd usually just use the "poke" method to see how the steak felt. But these days, even with using a Thermopen, and everything I can try...I can't seem to get a steak...
  19. D

    2.5” thick Ribeye

    You may or may not remember this but last November I purchased a whole Ribeye rib and cut myself up a mess of Ribeye steaks off of it. (See Link: http://www.bbq-brethren.com/forum/showthread.php?t=221248) Well I still have a few vacuum packed in my freezer so I thawed one out. I had...
  20. J

    Reverse Sear Ribeye and Baked Potato With Hash

    I went by Kroger today intending to get a few strips which they were out of so I compromised with some ribeyes which were on sale. I also scored two really nice briskets for $2.39/lb. I reversed seared the ribeyes on my Weber Genesis which has become my preferred way of cooking steaks. Nothing...