
  1. E

    How has your Humphrey's smoker held up over time?

    Hi BBQ Friends, I'd like to know how difficult a Humphrey's smoker is to clean after a cook, maintain, and keep in good shape over time? People sometimes say "this is the last smoker you'll ever need", and I'm trying to find out how true this is. How well do they hold up over the years? I'm...
  2. P

    My 1st UDS (Stainless)!!!

    Decided to build myself a simple UDS. Along with the inner drive to create stuff with my hands (I don't get a chance to really do that in my M-F job), it offered an opportunity to me to pass those weekend skills along to my 16 year old nephew. He built the basket while practicing his welding...
  3. A

    Stainless 55 gal drum or Galvanized

    I saw some drums today at a "salvage" yard type place. The looked like stainless drums from the highway but when i got a closer look, they were dull and kind of resembled the galvanized "speckled" look. Do they even make galvanized drums? The label said it contained "IPC Odorant" & with no...
  4. A

    Novice collecting bits for smoker, help!

    Hi there, I live in Australia. I am collecting bits to make an Ugly Drum Smoker. I have found it super difficult to find a gallon drum to use but have found one that previously had "metolachlor" in it. Anyone know what it is? Looks clean and has been cleaned with caustic soda, plus I'll burn...
  5. T

    CO 2 Cooker

    Hello everyone, I to share my first smoker and build in one. Plz give my all your thoughts and ideas because I'm greener then fresh cut wood to this whole thing. I was given this tank by my father and we will start there. (pic soon to come won't load from my droid:x:mad: )
  6. Dr_KY

    The Butt Slapper

    Made this last year so we could pull large amounts of butts quick and fast for catering. She works treat and get's the job done quick. It's all made of stainless ( as per my fetish with the stuff) and welded together. It slips in the cordless drill then just attack the pork with five or...