• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. ShadowDriver

    Weekend Shenanigans in the Duke City (w/Pr0n)

    On Friday, CINCHOUSE had a flat tire and asked me to handle dinner while she dealt with that, grabbed the munchkin from school, etc. Sure! Chicken Tikka Masala w/ onion & cucumber raita, vegetable samosas, garlic naan, and chutneys. Banana Samosas for dessert. After work on Saturday, I...
  2. ShadowDriver

    Duke City Shenanigans - Thai-Inspired Ribs w/ Pr0n

    CINCHOUSE asked for an old favorite from our Buccs "back in the day." I pulled a few things together... fish sauce, shallot, soy sauce, lime juice, Thai red chile, garlic... I removed the bottom membrane from the ribs, rolled the rack, and eased them into a large zip-top bag, added the...
  3. D

    Super Bowl Wings & Thangs!

    Spent an uneventful time at home watching it rain outside most of the weekend. The one thing we could do was prepare for the Super Bowl. What goes good while watching a football game? Wings & Thangs of course. I’ve made these Honey Sriracha Chicken Wings and Buffalo Chicken Potato Skins before...
  4. D

    Honey Sriracha Chicken Wings and Buffalo Chicken Potato Skins

    I had a hankering for some Wings and Thangs so I searched the internet for a good appetizer to go with wings. I came up with one from “Tasty” on YouTube. I started out with the potato skins as they took the longest. Here are the ingredients: 4 medium large (or 8 smaller) Russet...
  5. D

    Honey Sriracha Glazed Tofu Planwich w/ Apple Slaw and Corn with Sriracha Mayo

    I was challenged to cook up something without meat. It needed to include Tofu, :twitch: Apple, Corn and Sriracha. I must admit I’ve never made tofu and hardly ever eat it. That may change after eating this dish. I started thinking about what I could make and came up with some ways I could use...
  6. grilling24x7

    Pulled Pork Taco pr0n!

    I used to only make pulled pork sandwiches with my leftovers. I always thought tacos were for beef. Boy was I wrong. Yesterday I was feeling crazy. Cheese, avocado, reheated pulled pork (frozen in BBQ sauce for a few months), and a spicy sriracha coleslaw on a soft shell. Wow, wow and wow...