• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

smoked ribs

  1. 1

    A trio of ribs

    Smoked a few racks of baby back ribs today; smoked at 225 degrees until color looked good, then wrapped in foil and bumped the temp to 275. Cooked until tender, then left them to cool before a final sauce and sear before serving. finished 3 different ways (left to right): 1) No sauce, rub...
  2. woodsider

    Fine Tuning Habañero Lime Ribs

    Spent some time fine tuning the recipe in this previous post: BBQ Ribs With Lime and Habañero Sauce It was good the last time, and this time it was even better. Here are the differences: * Brought the temp down a bit - slow smoked at 190-210 degrees with hickory, cherry and a little mesquite...
  3. woodsider

    BBQ Ribs With Lime and Habanero Sauce Kicker

    Been using El Yucateco habanero sauce mixed in with mustard and some lime to spice up dry rub rub. This particular sauce provides enough heat at the end of the cook to make it "very interesting" but not to much for most palates. It also a nice tangy flavor that is not as vinegary as most hot...
  4. T

    BBQ Smoked "crab" Babybacks!

    That's right! Welcome to the Big Crab Cake! I'm located in the heart of Maryland and I love BBQ Ribs No actual crab meat involved. That would be too much. I don't know if anyone on this site has ever attempted to, or thought of this concept... Old Bay Babyback Ribs. All I did is use...