• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.



    Dream Griddle Setup - No Propane Needed

    I've always wanted a nice big griddle top but I got rid of the propane tanks 10 years ago and ain't never going back. So I've been jealously watching Blackstone and Camp Chef vids for years and crying myself to sleep. NO. MORE. BEHOLD! My dream grilling and griddle setup all-in-one. It's...
  2. ShadowDriver

    Blue Rhino Loose on the High Plains! - w/Pr0n

    After all of the Blackstone Griddle discussions over the last few years, I've been in the hunt for something similar. I just don't need the size or weight of the 36" for our family. The Blue Rhino Razor's been calling my name for about a week. At $98 (thanks to Lowe's military discount), it...

    Smash Burgers, Brats, and Smoked Buffalo Wings on the LSG 20x42

    The last three cooks on the new LSG 20x42 offset. This baby is awesome. So versatile, and so easy to smoke on! Getcha one! First cook is smashburgers on the plate steel firebox griddle that feels like Paul Bunyan's own. Then, brats on the expanded metal firebox grate. Both of these cooks I am...

    4th of July Smashburgers on LSG Firebox Griddle! Pics & Video

    Didn't have enough time to smoke on the 4th due to travel plans. Needed a quick, easy cook, but wanted it to be DEEEEElicious. Solution? Smashburgers! But......how long will it take me to heat up my offset cooker firebox so I can try out my new griddle? I don't feel like doing that experiment...
  5. A

    SWMBO wants her burgers made all Wrong!

    SWMBO: Honey, I want burgers tonight. Me: Okay honey, that sounds GREAT! You know I like any excuse to fire up the Kamado. SWMBO: But.... You know I don't like them too thick, could you make them much thinner? Me: Well, I guess I could, but you know I normally like them thick and juicy, and with...
  6. JMSetzler


    SmashBurgers - YouTube Greg at Ballistic BBQ on YouTube produced a replica Smashburger recently and after watching that video, I had to give it a try. Getting the press was the problem, but thanks to some of the Brethren here, I got hooked up with Matthew at Meyer Metal Works and got a press...