• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. Rib-O-Lator

    Double stacked extension ring ribs

    I stacked a Cajun Bandit ring on top of a Weber ring and placed it on my kettle and turned into a mini WSM. I also used a Pitmaster IQ 110 to control my temps and it worked great, kept it steady at 250. I also used my new home made injector and injected the spares, this thing works great. did i...
  2. J

    Rotisserie Burgers

    I already posted this over in the Throwdown Section, but thought I would re-post it here in the deep swimming pool as a plug for Burger Week in the TD section. It is big like Shark Week and often gets over 25 entries. Come on over and join in! For this entry, I had some fun with a new toy of...
  3. KnucklHed BBQ

    Fall is Apple Squeezin' Time!! Gluttony of Pron!

    Well, it's definitely fall here in NW Montana, the snow is starting to fall in the mountains, temps are dropping into the high 20's at night, and the apples are dropping off the trees - TIME TO MAKE HARD CIDER!!!! LOTS OF IT! Made a few visits to near by neighbors for apples - came back with...
  4. Mad Max

    Christmas in July...

    You have always heard the term " Christmas in July" used by retail stores to advertise a huge savings. Here I am not advertising a sale, but I actually got to use a present that I received for Christmas from my nephews. The gift that I am talking about is the Rib-O-Later!!!! After consulting...
  5. martyleach

    UDS with hinged lid and ribolator

    Just finished mod'ing my UDS. I took the bottom of a 22-1/2" Weber and am using it for my lid. It is deep enough so that I can run my home made Rib O lator under it without having to put in an insert. Since the lid is now pretty heavy I decided to hinge it from the rear. Yes, that took me most...
  6. J

    BACON (wrapped prunes) a la Glacier National Park

    Yaaaay BACON!!! For this Throwdown entry, I entered Kucklhed BBQ’s turf in Montana to get a bacon fix in Glacier National Park. I went with a family favorite recipe: bacon-wrapped prunes. It is one of those simple yet unexpected combinations that almost doesn’t make sense until you try...