• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

reverse flow

  1. N

    Cascade Que-Deville

    Ordered a Que-Deville this summer and just heard back from Rob that it will be shipped out this next week - I am beyond excited to receive it finally! I am upgrading from my homemade UDS trio. I know there will be a learning curve, but anyone have tips on how to run this the most effective...
  2. I

    Advice wanted: traditional offset vs. reverse flow for cold weather year round smoking

    Hey all, I hail from Indiana (I'm on the map) and obviously new (also in cattle call). I'm in the market for my next upgrade, and I'm specifically looking to move away from the wood pellet into new territory. I've been rocking my RT-590 for 2 years but want to move towards fire management...
  3. raycollazo

    Reverse Flow Smoke Flavor

    I was cooking mostly on a Pitmaker Vault, and honestly, I still do love it. The water cookers turn out great product and flavor is excellent. I wanted to tackle the stick burner and set out to get that "clean smoke" Central Texas flavor. I ended up with a Shirley 30x80 (Reverse Flow) custom...
  4. J

    T&K Reverse Flow smoker

    I saw an old thread on this, but can't reply to it, so I figured I'd start another one. I just bought a Large Reverse Flow T&K Smoker from the St. Louis BBQ Store solely because of that thread and the fact that it was 10% off helped too. :mrgreen: So far, I've burned it in and done 1 cook on...
  5. V

    Vertical - Offset - Reverse Flow?

    Hello, I am brand new to this forum. I hope this question is worthy of all the amazing smokers here. I come from a professional cooking background and have been smoking for sometime. I am moving to a country far far south that has no smokers of any interest and importation is cost...
  6. Shagdog

    My New Shirley is here!

    Sorry this is late in coming... With the pig roast and party (which can be seen here - http://www.bbq-brethren.com/forum/showthread.php?t=248511) THis is the first chance I had to really give some details on the pit. Its a 24x70 Straight back. Standard height, but with extra shelf slots...
  7. J

    Heat baffle size in reverse flow smoker

    Hail BBQ Brethren, First time poster on this forum, so please excuse if this is in the wrong location. I am in the process of building a new reverse flow stick burner from an old 120 gallon propane tank. I can't seem to find any info concerning the thickness of the heat baffle. Working with...
  8. M

    24x65 SF SMOKER AKA Big Brenda finished

    Just finished doing a few fabs to our 24x65 elevated straightback with roof and want to show it off. We received our smoker in November and let me say working with Tyler was a pleasure. We decided to go with a 3 rack main chamber with remote grease drain and a stainless shelf to cover the...
  9. B

    Its Official Shirley Order has been Placed.

    Excited super Excited. After a few weeks of back and forth emails with Paul payment has been sent and received. The best part was the wifey actually paid the deposit. :becky::clap2::becky::becky::becky::becky: Its been a few months now of looking at Shirley photos and threads to finally get a...
  10. R

    Relative humidity inside RF cooker?

    Hi all, This "dry bulb" and "wet bulb" temperature thing is pretty new to me. I constructed a wet bulb thermometer and compared the readings between dry and wet on my self-made RF smoker. It seems to run pretty low on relative humidity, around 10-20%. Does anyone know what is considered a...
  11. Shagdog

    Its Official! I'm a proud member of the Shriley family!

    So I took off work Friday to drive down to Tuscaloosa and pick up my new offset from Shirley Fabrication. 1500 miles, 23 1/2 hours in the car and I'm back with what is now my most prized possession. I've come bringing lots of pron for y'all. Got to Paul's about 5. The first thing that...
  12. J

    Shirley Fabrication

    I talked to Paul earlier this week about going to see some of their cookers and he was kind enough to let me stop by this morning and take a look at a few that they are working on. I have seen pics on the forum, their website and their Facebook page but I can emphatically say that the pics don't...
  13. R

    Thinking of purchasing a Lang 36

    Well as the title says im thinking "most likely" going to purchase a Lang if there is a yes to my question. No where on the Lang site does it say that a insulated firebox is an option or not, So to all the lang owners out there. Do you know if this is an option that ben lang would be able to...
  14. J

    reverse flow question

    So I'm building a big baby double barrel smoker. I am making it a reverse flow to eliminate hot spots. Here's the question, and I'm sure I am over thinking it but why not ask? Does it make a difference if I put the exhaust on the side or on the back? I'm thinking that the side would be...
  15. J

    Double barrel reverse flow smoker????

    I built a UDS 2 years ago and I love it. One problem...its just not big enough. So I want to build something a little bigger because the Mrs will kill me if I have 2. I'm planning on a double barrel smoker (55 gallon on top with at 30 gallon below) but I'm concerned about hot spots. So I was...
  16. G

    Another WesTern SmOker build

    Here is another smoker build for a local guy you all know. It is a 48" reverse flow horizontal smoker with a couple tweaks that I think will make it a one of a kind. I will elaborate later on the one of a kind parts later in the build. the body thx for lookin
  17. S

    Water Pans in a reverse flow?

    Up until recently I had been using the drip pan to keep the humidity stable in my pit but I've also noticed the pit is either too humid due to flash off or under because it simply all steamed off and dried out quickly. I've begun experimenting with adding a shelf on the left side of my pit...
  18. Dr_KY

    Lamb on the SS Mini

    Let's see if we can get the temps up for hot smoking.:boxing: