• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

propane tanks

  1. C

    prpane tank smoker

    Ok guys I need your help I done jumped off the deep end here. I was asked to do a hog roast for my off road club we served about 200 to 300 people not issue but the smoker I used worked great old oil barrel cut in half. It just was not big enough so what do I do I go out and buy a 1000 to 1500...
  2. P

    Propane 101, everything you need to know

    As some of the members and newbee's cook with gas, And even the woodies and charheads may have LPG burners as a side warmer, hot water heater or the deep fryers on their competition rigs and or RV living units. It is always good to have a source of correct info for when the questions of burner...
  3. C

    Home built cookers?

    Hello all! I have built one cooker with my ex brother in law, and selling out of half of it to build a bigger, better one, with a GRILL on the opposite side, so I can stop fussing when he uses it as a grill... Anyway, how many of you have built your own? I am using propane tanks (already...