• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. C

    Internal Temp for Brisket Point ONLY?

    I was thinking about doing a brisket this weekend, but I don't really need a whole 14 lb brisket, so I was thinking about doing just a point... I've done some research and can't really find posts - on this site or others - about what temp to cook a standalone point to... Go for 200-205? Less...
  2. A

    BBQ Brisket Sandwich: Flat or Point?

    I've read that the chunked flat is better for a bbq sandwich, but that its more messy and more difficult to handle. Could it be better to use slices from the flat instead? less messy and fitting easier into a sandwich? Sandwich idea: Brisket (flat or point), coleslaw, bbq sauce, onion, pickle.
  3. S

    Best Brisket Yet (pron)

    So, after some recon, I found a butcher pretty close by that has whole packers (i think) for just $2.78/lb!!! That's amazing considering the "Big Chain" stores around here want $5/lb +. I actually used to go to this place all the time before I got into smoking for steaks and lunch meats, etc. I...
  4. C

    BRISKET-To Sauce or Not to Sauce

    Hey Brethren. I am looking for opinions on saucing brisket for turn ins. I know there are other threads on this topic. But, what I found seemed to be older. Fads change and new sauces come out all the time. Thanks for your feedback! 1) If you sauce, what sauce are you using? And what are you...