new braunfeld offset smoker.

  1. BBQCookin

    Bandera Thermometer Replacement

    Mine is shot (has the original New Braunfels logo), and although i do use a probe (Maverick), i'd like to get a replacement thermometer. Any recommendations? Thanks.
  2. S

    New Braunfels Bandera Restoration

    Hello! First post here. I've been restoring a New Braunfels Bandera smoker and finally finished! I give you the Frankensmoker!!AmdnVQNGniCqgW6-pWKXGpJ9Xhkp!AmdnVQNGniCqgXL8lErHg8XpeB-E I picked this thing up for $100 and it needed a lot of work. There...
  3. W

    Smoker Modification/ Building Question

    Hey everyone, This is my first post so please bear with me if I do not explain myself as well… I inherited my brother in law’s New Braunfels Offset Vertical Smoker recently and I am throwing around the idea of completely remaking/ recycling it to make a bigger unit because I don't want to throw...
  4. T


    I've been using an offset smoker for years with poor results. Now, after visiting this site, I'm fired up to build myself a UDS smoker and begin putting out some great bbq. I'm already about 50 pages into the UDS thread (whew!).
  5. B

    Looks Like Rain.

    How long does a fresh pork shoulder last in the fridge before it has to be cooked ?