knife sharpening

  1. D

    Upgraded my Whetstone Sharpening Kit

    I’ve been using these basic whetstones that I purchased a few years ago. I believe both stones ran me under $55.00. They work fairly well, but are a little on the small side, so I’ve been wanting to upgrade. I had a mess of Amazon gift cards so I looked to see what I could get. The first thing...
  2. D

    Not Q: Wetstones.

    Sunday I saw an Amazon Daily Deal on a Wetstone (1000/6000) for knife sharpening. I went ahead and got one as well as a 3000/8000 stone. I received them today and tried them out. Here is the 1000/6000 stone. It came with this nice holder. Here is the stone soaking, Here is the 3000/8000...