• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

kamado repair

  1. J

    ANOTHER Kamado restoration

    Fellas, long-time listener, first-time caller. Several years ago I dug my mom's mid-eighties Kamado out of the backyard where it'd sat neglected. I didn't even know what a kamado was, that is until I found this forum and the good people on it. Well, I restored it once, using electrolysis on the...
  2. J

    Kamado Imperial

    I have a Kamado Imperial and the metal strap must of rusted and when I lifted the lid it fell backwards and shattered, if anyone knows of someone that has a lid or if anyone has any spare parts. I am devastated and looking for ideas. Janbri
  3. E

    Help with Kamado fire box repair

    I have several cracks in my Kamado fire box rings. It's a really old one. Wondering what best to use for repair. Under what circumstances do I use each product. Saw the 2010 post using JB Weld and postings suggesting furnace cement. Need to know if these products are safe used with food. If OK...
  4. E

    Need to repair Imperial Kamado fire box

    I have several cracks in my Kamado fire box rings. It's a really old one. Wondering what best to use for repair. Under what circumstances do I use each product. Saw the 2010 post using JB Weld and postings suggesting furnace cement. Need to know if these products are safe used with food. If OK...
  5. M

    Kamado Identification Help

    I found an old Kamado Cooker at a local store and am trying to identify exactly what I have found and determine how much it is worth. The grate is about 18" in diameter. Can anyone help identify this Kamado? (I believe it is an old clay pot) The fire box and fire ring are in good shape and...
  6. W

    The long-awaited Imperial Kamado restoration project :)

    Ok. As I wrote in the Cattle call thread I received my Imperial Kamado from my folks a few years ago. They bought it from a relative of ours in the mid/late 80’s who was importing goods from Japan at the time. The pot was in heavy use for the first 15 years, but after my parents moved to a...
  7. N

    Can this kamado be saved?

    There's a damaged old kamado possibly available cheap. I could use some advice. I have only seen photos so far, but it appears that pieces broke out of the bottom of the unit (the portion including the draft vent) but those pieces have been saved. If the pieces are still available, can this...