• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. N

    Sold Jambo...now to gravity feed?

    LOVED THE JAMBO... but wife asked for smaller footprint on patio and said to buy what I want. Have 2kids active in sports, so need something I can be away from for hours. Couldn’t do this with Jambo, so it didn’t get used as much as I’d like. Will likely get guru or similar to help manage when...
  2. D

    Jambo Pits - Backyard Model

    I am very interested in the Jambo backyard model. I am in the Dallas area and it looks like a great deal for the cost. I am also considering a lonestargrillz 48. Has anyone actually owned a Jambo backyard? If so, I have a few questions: 1. What is the typical lead time? 2. Does Jamie offer...
  3. N

    Jambo Brisket and Pork

    Decided to dedicate my day to smoking some barbecue. Here are some pics. Brisket was not a god grade of beef, but still seemed a bit tough for me. Point was fantastic, flat didn't pull apart lie I'd hoped. Pork was fantastic, especially the money muscle.
  4. N

    First Cook on Jambo with Pron

    Decided to start with some Chicken Popppers and some Pork Tenderloin. First time with stick burner and the food was amazing. Definitely a light smokey taste, but much cleaner taste for lack of a better description.
  5. N

    Tried a few new things this weekend

    fired up the Jambo to try some new recipes. First up was Alton Brown's chipotle party meatloaf. Easy as pie to prep and made for some great eating. Filled one 8x8 pan nearly full and used the remainder for some meatballs. Oak added a nice flavor and a meatloaf smoke ring :-D Next up was a...
  6. N

    Have $3-4K to spend....what to do???

    New joiner here, although I've been stalking the forums and threads for a few years it seems. Had a WSM 18.5 until I recently moved back to DFW area and the movers destroyed it. With the tax return, the wife said it's time to buy another!!! So, here's where I am. I've looked at 4 smokers in...
  7. A

    First firing Shirley Fabrication 24x50 Patio.Thanks to Tyler and Paul ! Pr0n Heavy ;)

    Sunday night was the inaugural cook of my Shirley Fabrication 24x50 Patio. (AKA "Tank". Im not one for naming cookers, but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time :wink:) It was delivered on time by lost and found delivery service, good service from them! Fired Tank with two chimneys...
  8. S

    Jambo Backyard additional rack

    I recently purchased a Jambo backyard model. So far it has been great. I'm thinking of adding a 2nd cooking grate on the exhaust stack side like the j3's have. Has anyone else done this? What dimensions did you use for the grate and how high up from the lower grate did you position the upper...
  9. Heath Hall

    Picking Up Our New Jambo Next Week

    I'm heading to Texas next week to pick up our new Pork Barrel BBQ Jambo Pit. Any of you Jambo owners have any tips on new Jambo's? Best way to lock the trailer to your truck on long trips? Keep or change out the stock thermometer? Cleaning after a cook? Any tips are appreciated. We'll be...
  10. S

    Wow! Bought a LANG 100!!! Pics, pics, and more pics!

    :becky::becky::becky::becky::becky::becky::becky: I'll never forget October 22, 2011. Loaded up the wife and kids, and drove a few hours to the Jack Daniels Invitational in Lynchburg, TN. It was about lunch time and the first thing I wanted to do was eat at Myron Mixon's vending booth. After...