• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. S

    Lonestar Grillz in Indiana or KC

    I am interested in getting a LSG vertical cabinet smoker. I have both a stick smoker and pellet grill. I like the taste of the stick smoker and the convenience of the pellet grill. Has anyone got their fire going on a LSG, then just use wood with a GURU, vs mostly charcoal with wood chunks as...
  2. A

    Indiana Comp Team

    I'm in central Indiana and would like to maybe join a team or get some people together to start a team. Zero experience in comps would like to learn. Anyone one have interest?:loco:
  3. Ron_L

    **** Annual Northern Illinois Brethren Mid Winter Gathering, 2015 Edition!!! - Jan. 24th, 2015

    Annual Northern Illinois (and surrounding states) Brethren Mid Winter Gathering, 2015 Edition!!! I'm starting early this year :-D Saturday, January 24th, 10:30AM Rub's Backcountry Smokehouse 6954 N. Western Ave Chicago, IL http://www.backcountryq.com/ https://goo.gl/maps/Mssgd Last year we...
  4. juicybuttsbbq

    Roll Call. Inside 30 days. French Lick's Blues,Cruise & BBQ Indiana State Championship

    STILL HAVE SPACE LEFT :clap2: KCBS REPS Kathy & Phillip Brazier WOW!!! A PERFECT PLACE FOR A BBQ COMPETITION!!! The 2nd BLUES CRUISE AND BBQ Indiana State BBQ Championship has a change of venue. French Lick Casino and Resort www.frenchlick.com has stepped up and will Sponsor this event...
  5. D

    Greetings from SW Michigan/NW Indiana area!

    I am a new member who recently joined the other day. I live in extreme SW Michigan very near the Indiana border. Since childhood I have favored the smell and taste of charcoal grilled food. In fact, until maybe the late '70s or '80s I don't recall my parents grilling with anything but...
  6. juicybuttsbbq

    Contest Announcment BLUES CRUISE AND BBQ Indiana State BBQ Championship, French Lick Casino and Resort, AUG 13-14th 2010

    WOW!!! A PERFECT PLACE FOR A BBQ COMPETITION!!! The 2nd BLUES CRUISE AND BBQ Indiana State BBQ Championship has a change of venue. French Lick Casino and Resort www.frenchlick.com has stepped up and will Sponsor this event. Paperwork has just been submitted for this event. Thursday 12th Arrival...