• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. cayenne

    Prime Brisket Alert: Costco in New Orleans on 8/7/2023

    Hi all, Just a heads up...might be national. But I found a ton of Prime Grade whole briskets (packers?) yesterday at the Costco's in New Orleans. They were $4.49/lb...BUT, they were all on sale for $10 off list price. I got one about 17lbs, which I believe was about $76 minus $10 for $66...
  2. ShadowDriver

    NM Brethren - CostCo Pork Loin Sale

    Not sure if it's a single store event, but the CostCo at 1420 N Renaissance Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107 has a killer deal on whole pork loin: This puts a WHOLE pork loin in the $17-18 range... day-um! Go getcha' some!

    Smokers at Your Costco Yet?

    Is anyone seeing the nice Bayou Classic smokers this year? If so, please say what city/state you saw them. If anywhere within 300 miles of me I might go get one. http://www.bayouclassicstore.com/Charcoal%20Grills/500-736.html Last year they had these for $599 and less in some places, as...

    Spring Smoker Deals at Costco?

    Is anyone starting to see good deals on quality smokers come through at your local Costco? I'm thinking especially of last year's Bayou Classic deal that was incredible and wondering if anything like it is being seen this year.

    Any info on Bayou Classic coming back to Costco early 2018?

    Hi all - I tried to post this as a reply on the old thread from last April that many of you took part in, but to no avail. I live up here in Heathen Yankee Country (tongue-in-cheek; wink wink; just funnin y'all up here Northerners; insert good-natured emoji here), and I'm hopin against hope...
  6. D

    Costco Prime Brisket Eastern USA

    So our Costco in Raleigh had started carrying Prime packet briskets over the last couple of months. All the local BBQ guys have bought memberships and were ecstatic. However within the last couple weeks they've decided Costco will no longer carry packer briskets east of the Mississippi. Talk...
  7. Smoke on Badger Mountain

    Good day at Costco

    Stopped at the Costco in Bend OR, on the way back from my last river trip. I was very happy at what I found. I bought some ice, picked up a couple of these babies and brought them back. This was our kitchen for the last two weeks. Sorry, the pic was taken before the post breakfast clean up.
  8. J

    Prime Brisket at Tulsa Costco?

    Has anyone checked out the new Tulsa Costco to see if they carry prime brisket? I'd be interested to know if they carry it & at what (approximate) price. Any suggestions of other good options in the area? A month ago I went to 6 or so groceries before finding one with a selection of choice...
  9. Melissaredhead

    Absolutely Never Again

    Long story short, I'm never buying babybacks from Costco again. I've used them in the past and they have either been tough, salty or mealy. I thought, hey maybe it's me...I'm not perfect and chalked it up to a bad cook---it happens!:drama: After yesterday's debacle, I'm ready to say "it's not...
  10. S

    Prime Brisket at Costco Cheap

    I was at Costco in south Saint Louis and they have prime brisket for 2.79 a pound. I had to grab one. Don't know if they have any left but go grab one if they are still around. Thank me later.
  11. grilling24x7

    Is Costco corned beef already corned? #dumbquestion

    The only reason I ask is because there is a spice packet on the inside of the cryovac meat pack. I wanted to do cheater pastrami and smoke a corned beef. I've done the Corning myself before but don't want to deal with that again. Anyone bought a Costco corned beef? Is it already...
  12. grilling24x7

    Smoke or grill pork chops!??!

    My Costco has been selling big, amazing, bone-in pork chops. I picked up a huge pack of 1 inch chops with bone, about 8 of them in there. Last week I grilled them and they were awesome (see pic). I just topped them with salt and pepper. Very juicy and the pork flavor really came through...
  13. grilling24x7

    Fat on the bottom of brisket flat slices

    What do you guys tend to do about the 1/8-1/4 inch (give or take) layer of fat underneath of the brisket flat. I made some fantastic brisket this weekend (from an untrimmed brisket flat from Costco - see photo!). Two of my guests commented about the little strip of fat at the bottom of each...
  14. grilling24x7

    What do you think of my plan? Butt over brisket

    Here's my plan, please criticize as I've never done this combo before. Preface- I have done numerous pork shoulders and am very comfortable with them. WSM - 18.5 inch set up to run at 250 all day long. Top grate - Bone in pork butt (aiming for the 6-8 lb range) Bottom grate - Costco Brisket...
  15. sincitydisciple01

    Smoker pellets at Costco

    Not sure how long they have carried them, but saw them this morning when picking up more Kingsford Comp. Can't say I know anything about them, but I have to assume that it's at least a decent deal.
  16. sincitydisciple01

    Kingsford Competition on sale @ Costco

    Got the new Costco coupon book in the mail the other day. $3.50 off 2/18# bags of Kingosford Competition charcoal. Limit 2. I think it normally sells in the $16 range (don't quote me), so that takes it down almost as low as it was at the end of last summer. Pretty good deal!
  17. B

    Lump on sale at Costco

    $3.97 for 20# of The Original Charcoal Company lump here in West Michigan. I've used it for a couple of cooks and been pleased. Just completed my very first brisket (9 1/2 hours in a primo jr. I'll have pics shortly if it turned out. Forget I mentioned anything if it doesn't.)