• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

cold smoke generator

  1. S

    My first test with converted freezer.

    I have a commercial freezer that I am converting to a smoker. I have built a control box for it and that is controlling a electric element that I got from a electric bullet smoker I got on CL for $10. Built a cold smoke generator for smoke.
  2. P

    Its that time of year..., that we cold smoke Salmon

    Yep getiing colder right now and its great opportunity to cold smoke salmon. Not only is it way cheaper to do it yourself its also tastes way better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTWOzLJ-ctU
  3. J

    DIY Smoker

    After coming across the Smoke Daddy cold smoker I started thinking about making my own. After finding a variety of different kinds I settled on the top mounted Venturi style. I have the build to a point where I could try it out. The cost of large diameter pipe is so high. So I found an...
  4. L

    Easy Homemade Cold Smoke Generator with Pron

    Hi All, I made this CSG, I say made, all I did was push the middle of the sieve up to make a channel for the sawdust to sit in. I have used this about half a dozen times so far and have been very happy with the results. Here are some pics...hope this helps someone out who wants to try cold...
  5. P

    Testing my new Cold Smoke Genrator

    As a follow up for the unboxing session I made a video about testing the cold smoke generator. It is the first time lighting the cold smoke generator. I like subtle smoke that it produces. But I am impressed with taste that it leaves. I don´t like the tealight.:boxing: Watch the video for the...
  6. P

    Unboxing my cold smoke generator

    Received my new toy just before christmas! I made an unboxing video of the cold smoke generator from proQ. Hope that it will help others decide to buy or not to buy this device. A test/review video will follow. What I am missing are some good, tested recipies for cold smoking. I know you can...