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chicken drumstick

  1. Fwismoker

    It's hard to beat chicken drums!

    ...and it's even harder to beat rotisserie drums yet cooked over a real fire (cherry and oak splits) It's been a while since I've had these so it was a real treat. Sooo juicy and perfect skin to boot. If you've used a rotisserie basket you know how the spit rod running the length of the...
  2. Mad Max

    Thighs and Drumsticks Pron...

    Decided to make some drumsticks and thighs, for dinner, tonight. Started out with 16 pieces of thighs and drumsticks and a bit of EVOO and some lemon Juice. The seasoning was John Henry's Texas Tickler. Let the chicken absorb the goodness, for about 2 hours, in the fridge. After the 2...