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  1. K

    Changed the rules with pig candy + new twist on abt!

    Been gone for a few years, built my USD in '09, made a few more for friends and family, and been cookin' away. Found some other hobbies that sucked me into their related forums. (Home theater over at AVSforums) But haven't stopped smoking. Bla bla bla, on to the Q pron. #1. Thick cut bacon -...
  2. T

    Hunting Sweet Candy Glaze for Chicken

    I was at a big mall in Manila where a Korean owned franchise was serving a very spicy chicken with a very sweet, almost candy like glaze on it. The spice was a bit much for me, three bites in and my tastebuds were gone. But I really enjoyed the sweet, slightly sticky yet almost hard glaze. The...
  3. BigButzBBQ

    Sweet and Sour-Patch Pork! Yeah, I went there. (PRON)

    Candy... What the heck to make that involves using candy? There are lots of thoughts that one could go with when it comes to involving candy. I tried an experiment involving chocolate that did not pan out so well so, I figured I would go in an entirely different direction. Gummy! When thinking...
  4. Rookie'48

    Sunday ABT & Pig Candy Pron

    Started with about 100 ABTs: Then did some pig candy: Some of the results: Better late than never, right?