
  1. D

    Grilled California Burrito

    I had a bunch of fries’ leftover from eating at a local burger place that I had saved so I decided to make a popular burrito here in San Diego. It is known as a California Burrito and typically has Carne Asada, French Fries, Frijoles, Cheese, Pico de Gallo, Guacamole, and Mexican Creama. (A...
  2. ShadowDriver

    High Plains Burrito Shenanigans - w/ Pr0n!

    Been away from the ranch for a bit, doing some work. Made it home last night and I've had a severe hankerin' for something on the grill, but also some Mexican/Latin flair. Tonybel's Carne Asada Recipe sounds perfect! The local Mexican Grocery didn't have any good looking meat for asada, but...
  3. D

    Burrito de desayuno con huevos, patatas y Cochinita

    Cochinita? Yeah I’ve got lots of it. How do I use it for leftover? One way is Breakfast Burritos. Here are some onions, potatoes, bell pepper and cochinita all cooked up and ready to go. Add the huevos, stir, and roll them up in a warm tortilla with some cheese and Tapatio...