• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

beer can chicken

  1. K

    Beer Can-Less Chicken

    OK I tried a comparison cook between beer can-less chicken and spatchcocked chicken. Having heard from various web sites about the advantages of each I wanted to run my own side by side test and learn more about my Bandera cooker at the same time (this was only my 3rd cook on it). I began with...
  2. D

    Beer Can Roasted Chicken

    Here is a simple and fast but delicious meal that we just had. Simple ingredients. Remove the chicken and rub down with some OO and then some chicken seasoning of your choice. (I used a Smokey Mesquite) Place the chicken on your beer can rig or chicken sitter with a teaspoon of...
  3. Cgriller64

    Chicken and Veggies in Rosemary Tomato Sauce

    Sunday Dinner on the Kamado Joe. Beer Can Chicken and Roasted Vegetables with Rosemary Tomato Sauce. The Chicken The Veggies The Sauce Loaded the grill with lump and a couple cubes Adjusted the vents to reach the desired temp Started by making the sauce Added the Veggies...
  4. P

    The Beer Can Chicken, without the Can

    Nothing special, but guaranteed to make you drool!:-D The beer can chicken is part of my weekly diet and it's also a great way to test Rubs and sauces that I got. On this one I put the yardbird rub from the plowboys and the sweet honey sauce from sweet baby ray's. :clap2: I love this...
  5. C

    Mid week pron

    So I got the smoking stone for my Akorn this week and I decided to give it a quick spin tonight. Made a beer can chicken, some ABTs and Toink Balls (turkey meatballs). Enjoy :mrgreen:
  6. P

    Beer Can Chickens on the UDS (prOn)

    Just a couple of 4 pound beer can chickens on the UDS. Marinaded over night in Italian dressing, sealed in a zip lock bag. Slow roasted at 250 degrees, apple chunks & pecan shell smoke. Plowboys, Yardbird rub. Best Beer Can Chicken I have ever made. (only 2nd time. 1st try was under cooked)
  7. Mad Max

    Chicks and Spam!

    With all the cold weather, we have been having, I couldn't help, but fire up the kettle and do some beer can chicken and spam. Temperature was in the mid to upper 60's. The chickens were marinated with Ken's Teriyaki and Honey, for about 3 hours. Broke out the holders and the "King of...
  8. S

    Dr_KY's New Bike

    Dr_KY has been after me for some time to make him something cool from SS and mail it across the pond. Well this little guy finally got him to commit and I expedited it for his first catering gig. Hope it makes it to you in time! It's made from 16ga 304 SS welded and rough sanded. I wanted to...
  9. Mad Max

    Beer Can Chicken on the Kettle.

    I needed to break in, the Kettle, I just got from CL, so I hit the local supermarket, in search of what to do. I came across a sale, for whole chickens, for .59 cents a pound, so I picked up 2, so I can try out, my latest John Henry Rub. The birds weighed about 4.5 #'s each. The new...