• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

battle box

  1. 1

    Help me choose: Humphrey Battle Box vs Pint

    I have decided to pull the trigger and purchase a new Humphrey smoker. Being able to easily drive to their shop and pick it up is icing on the cake. As the title says, trying to decide on the Battle Box vs the Pint size. I'm just a Harry Homeowner who enjoys smoking stuff, so I'm not sure...
  2. T

    Hello from Kansas

    Hello all! Thanks for the add. My name is Mark. I live in Halstead, KS and will be retiring in a couple years. Planning to open as a food/bbq vendor as my retirement gig. Own a couple pellet smokers and just placed an order for a Humphrey’s Battle Box. Looking forward to learning from the group...
  3. B

    Humphrey's Wounded Warrior Battle Box uncrating

    Proud to say I just took delivery of my new Humphrey's Wounded Warrior Battle Box, my first foray into vertical reverse flow box smokers. I had previously been a ceramic kamado guy with some experience on a wonderful Deep South GC 36 gravity Feed smoker. I must say pictures on Humphrey's web...
  4. S

    New Battle Box

    Proud owner of a new Humphrey's Battle Box. Still waiting for a few racks but otherwise go everything. Here are the specs in case you want to know. 2014 model 5 grates 6" wheels extended firebox drop in water pan. drip tray Going to be running it dry (likely with sand but maybe not, always...
  5. C

    Humphreys Weeble vs BattleBox

    I have done a bit of reading on the two Humphrey's cookers, I know the cooking dimensions are very close. The Weeble is slightly lighter as it is not built with the heavy duty tubular frame. I guess my question would be does anyone really have some serious pros or cons between the two? I am not...
  6. J

    Backwoods G2 Chubby or BBQ Guru Onyx? Help!

    Greetings all. I am getting to be a serious backyard "pitmaster" and am outgrowing my existing setup, primarily when it comes to ribs. I want to consolidate these cooks into one cooker and not have to worry about cutting the slabs to fit, using rib racks, etc. I also do not want to worry...
  7. D

    Humphrey's Battle Box Cleaning/Seasoning

    Ordered a new Battle Box and anxiously awaiting its delivery. Gotta say Chad was great in helping me determine what I wanted. I was wondering what others do to season it / clean it -- i.e., how often, what use, etc. I'm new to all this, so don't worry about stating the obvious. Thanks!