• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


  1. K

    Second Cook on the Big Phil’s Blue Smoke Smoker: Chicken!

    I did the second cook on the Big Phil’s 24x48 Blue Smoke Smoker last night. Nothing major, just a spatchcocked chicken. This was an important cook/test though, as some may remember that cooking skin on whole chicken was what alerted me to the fact that something was not quite right with the...
  2. sandro

    Getting technical on baffles—SmokerBuilder / Frank Cox

    Very interesting and quick video discussing the benefits of different baffle designs, discussing thin-blue smoke vs clear smoke, flavor profiles, and draft: https://youtu.be/hsVwomuqOD4 I'm quite happy with the "Franklin baffle" I fabricated and I definitely noticed a better flavor on my cooks...
  3. C

    Old Country Pecos Franklin/Millscale baffle mod

    I was very happy with my Oklahoma Joe's Highland, however I felt the firebox size and stack diameter was one big handicap. A buddy has an Old Country Pecos, I liked how his ran, so I bought one. Instant regret... Kept having to run too hot of a fire to keep it lit, always battling flame outs...

    New Offset Q's: Surface Rust, Baffles, Thermometers

    Just picked up this used beauty on Craigslist - Texas Original Pits' Pearsall model. Got an awesome deal, but as this is my first offset, I need input on a few things I'll need to deal with: Surface rust: how do I handle this? Baffles: Do I need them? If so, can I have them made cheaper...
  5. R

    Help Dyna Glo not getting to temp with baffle

    Greetings brethren: this is my first post. I normally do all my smoking on an Akorn Chargriller. I now have a new smoker I picked up to handle larger volume cooks. It is a wide body dyna glo offset vertical smoker. During my first seasoning I was able to get up to temp 270+, but after that I...
  6. M

    offset convection plates hot smoking

    Have an OKJ Highland with the Island Outdoor convection plates/baffle. When I want to run hot how should I adjust the plates. Should I push them both to the far end of the smoker. Want to go 350-375 but evenly across the smoker, if possible. I tried searching around the web; feel free to if you...
  7. Thawley

    UDS Heat Shield & Biscuit Test (Pictorial)

    Burnig coals – very hot Make shift heat shield/baffle/diffuser – 10x10x0.25" mild steel plate Fire basket & diffuser in their native environment U-bakem biscuits – the natural enemy of burning coals Ritual of sacrifice It's a little warmer on the west side. (Photo taken facing...