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is One Chatty Farker

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Batch Image
May 12, 2010
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Another recipe from the King Arthur Flour website re: how to make use of Sourdough discard.

Warm milk, Sourdough starter, Salt, Flour, Eggs

No prep pics, but here they are fresh out of the oven and looking good -

Breakfast is served -

As the recipe states, these aren't the lightest and airiest popovers, but they still puffed up nicely. I've made popovers before both from a box mix and from scratch and those do turn out a lot taller and with more open centers.

It's nice to have a variation and although these might not be served at the Jordan Pond House at Acadia Nat'l Park they're quite good.

Just another recipe to try if you need to do something with your Sourdough discard.

Thanks for checking in on this post.

Nicely done, Dom!

You've been coming up with all sorts of interesting variations to use with that sourdough starter.
Look great! My mind is sorta spinning now imagining them with butter and Keweenaw Peninsula thimbleberry jam.
Had to look that up. Some good looking preserves from the great state of Michigan. Nice.
Thimbleberry doesn't grow many places but the climate of the Keweenaw is apparently perfect for them. Spent a lot of time up there as a kid because my grandparents lived there. Both my parents grew up there. Remember driving down roads late summer and my mom would say "Stop the car." She could spot thimbleberry bushes on the fly...made excellent thimbleberry jam.

Haven't been back to the Keweenaw in over 20 years. Thankfully, been able to get thimbleberry jam shipped from a place not far from Copper Harbor. There are many good preserves but this will always be my favorite. Not cheap but definitely worth a taste. Like nothing else IMO. Would be great paired with your sourdough.
