Another Year of Shenanigans

Can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans you get into this year. :thumb:
Thatb is GREAT News Marc Always enjoy your posts esp if Munchkin is in it too
A decade of greatest hits!

Let the good times and thin blue roll, Marc!
Marc, you are the man. I never see or hear of a meatloaf sandwich without thinking about you.
I enjoy your cooks and creativity, Shadow!
Glad you're sticking around.
Ok Marc,,,,we don’t take to idle threats,,,,
You have 12 months to deliver,,,LOL !!!!!
Ur posts are enjoyable and entertaining,,,
Keep’em comin’
Glad to hear, and I can't wait to see the interesting things that come from out west, not to mention seeing Munchkin get another year older.
Marc, just would not be the same without you and your Shenanigans !
And thanks for some inspirational cooks!
Always like to see what you're cooking out west.