Time to face the music


is one Smokin' Farker
Oct 8, 2008
My brisket sucks!!!....I spent 15 hours cooking a brisket on Sunday and I was really hoping that this time I would have good results. But as usual, it came out like a big pile of chit. I am just so disgusted. Thank God I was too drunk at that point that I couldn't throw it across the yard...LOL. I'm not sure exactly what went wrong, maybe it was the spike in temperature or when the flames danced in the cooking chamber for a bit. Or it could have been when I foiled and coolered it and my drunk arse forgot to put broth in the foil. I can't even bring myself to posting pics of the massacre. God I hate cooking brisket. :sad:
My brisket sucks!!!....I spent 15 hours cooking a brisket on Sunday and I was really hoping that this time I would have good results. But as usual, it came out like a big pile of chit. I am just so disgusted. Thank God I was too drunk at that point that I couldn't throw it across the yard...LOL. I'm not sure exactly what went wrong, maybe it was the spike in temperature or when the flames danced in the cooking chamber for a bit. Or it could have been when I foiled and coolered it and my drunk arse forgot to put broth in the foil. I can't even bring myself to posting pics of the massacre. God I hate cooking brisket. :sad:

Go get another brisket and do it again, Grasshopper! Cooking over and over is the only way you are going to improve. :biggrin:

On another note: I would have split a gut to seen pics of you drunk off your arse flinging your briskie :twisted:
hmmm....Will Brisket toss replace lawn darts?

Hang in there! Once you get it down, you'll be happy.
You know what I see happening here???????.....Shane recently cooked himself a great brisket and there needs to be someone to fill his shoes in terrible brisket cooking :shock:.....Is that person me????? Holy Fark!!!.....I need Help.

You grabbed Shane's original recipe card. Your supposed to use the "Other one". I hear he is doing better now.
good thing u didnt hurl that brisket, i wanted to see that, now that woulda been some pron!!! stick with it guys, how big was that hunk o' meat, and what'd you do to it?
I can certainly sympathize with you bro. Been there, done that. I can't tell you how many brisket's I've ruined. Keep at it. It truly is a hard cut of meat to cook. Best advice, always throw something else on with your brisket to fall back on till you get there.
Like others have said..it takes a bit of practice.
If your Brisket was as bad as you say...it can still be used in a stew or
Chilie, or add it to some beans.
Looks like I wil be making chili with it....I just hope the farkin thing doesn't bite me when I go to chop it up....Evil brisky....
Man i feel your pain, had probs with my last one too. Like yours I let the temp get up. Came out like an extra big shoe with a thick sole. Gona do another one tonight. This time fat cap down and more strict temp monitoring. I hope I can figure out this camera thing.
You missed it just barely. Why not give a hot and fast a try, might work for you. Or try one of Saiko's many variations on that theme. Helped me a lot to understand what was supposed to happen.
I would blame it on the squirrels. Pesky little varmints try and work their way into everything.
You know what I see happening here???????.....Shane recently cooked himself a great brisket and there needs to be someone to fill his shoes in terrible brisket cooking :shock:.....Is that person me????? Holy Fark!!!.....I need Help.

I have been in that dudes shoes for while, and I still have yet to pull of a good brisket. I keep waiting, and reading before i try again...right now i like the pork butt thing, honing my skills on that. But i love me some beef, and I need to break the code. I feel your pain brother.
I hate briskets too. It doesn't help that there is no where to get a good brisket without a special order. The only ones available are at Walmart, and they are horrible imo