has anyone smoked there own pork hocks?



I grew up eating sourkraut and pork hocks slathered on top of a bed of mashed potatoes. just Curious if anyone has smoked there own hocks?

Incase you have never had pork hock and saurkraut here is a simple way to make it

preheat oven to 350*
rince saurkraut thoroughly
brown hocks in dutch oven
remove hocks
add half saurkraut to dutch oven place hocks onto kraut season with lots of cracked black pepper...no salt yet...add rest of kraut the season with more black pepper
add water until you can just start to see it coming to the top of the kraut
cover and put in the oven for 2 hours

at the 2 hour point, make your mashed potatoes...when peeling your potatoes, remove kraut from oven and grate one large potatoe into the kruat and stir it in...place lid back on and put back in oven

when mashed potatoes are ready, cover plate with the potatoes, and smoother with saurkraut and hocks...

be sure to put a bib on, cause its messy...but it is awesome!

That sounds pretty darn good. Smoked pork hocks are available here all the time. I like to give them a second smoke at home. Good eating. :-D
I used to make fresh sausage out of picnics and always cut the small hocks off and smoked them. Just used it for seasoning meat. That recipes of yours sounds primo:-D.