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Fatback Joe

Babbling Farker
Jan 7, 2008
Memphis, TN
Seems like in the world of charcuterie there is a name for damn near everything so there is probably something more fitting than what I put in the title, but I took a recipe that I liked and added some smoke so......


1.63% Sea Salt
.5% Sugar
.25% Cure #2
.19% Crushed Red Pepper
.1% White Pepper
.07% Black Peppercorns
1.85% Red Wine

FLC starter culture.

The dry seasonings


Gave it a mix for a couple of minutes before adding the wine and the starter.


In the hopper with beef middles for the casing.


Planned on uniform sizes, but blowouts happen.


A few months back, I started messing around with sous vide fermentation and have really become a fan of it. Pretty much fool proof. 72 hours at 80 degrees.


After 72 hours, took them out of the bag, rinsed, dried, and into the smoker for a little cold smoke. Had the Stumps out so went with that. Cherry wood for the smoke, I didn't note the time but it was around 4 hours as best I remember.


From the smoker went into the curing chamber at 55 degrees and 75% RH. Didn't weigh them, but went strictly by feel. Yesterday seemed like the day.


Little bit of hardening. I suspect it was from when my humidifier ran out of water for a bit. :icon_blush: Sliced the small one up and vacced the others to let them even out a bit in the fridge.


Pretty happy with things. The smoke was a great addition to things.
sous vide fermentation ???

Never heard of that. I am just starting to educate myself and plan on doing some sausages this fall/winter...and wasn't sure how I was going to I have it. I have a small room in my basement that stays right at with a little help from a humidifier...I can hang til ready. Also like your idea of a little smoke.

Great Post!!
Soppressata is what is going into my chamber next. How long did it hang for? Like the sv fermentation method. Your stuff looks great like usual!
sous vide fermentation ???

It really is handy. I started doing fermentation in the oven with a tray of water and the light on and trying to stay in a range. Then I built a fermentation chamber out of an old fridge. Then I saw this on one of the groups I am a member of on FB.....tried it and never looked back. The only difference I noticed is a lack of mold on the stuff that I fermented sous vide.
Soppressata is what is going into my chamber next. How long did it hang for? Like the sv fermentation method. Your stuff looks great like usual!

Thanks. These hung for about 3 weeks. Probably could have gone a little longer.

I don't know how much my humidifier running out of water sped things up. I checked on them about a week in and noticed I needed to add some water, but apparently never did that. The next time I checked humidity was around 50% and the machine was empty. :tsk:
Your fat content looks spot...did you add any back fat...or just use pork shoulder?
That looks delicious, I have been reading about charcuterie and plan on trying this one. Just waiting for the right deal to set up my curing chamber.
Thanks for the post, I have been wanting to try fermented sausage. Need to build a cabinet. I will be doing some research on your fermentation method.

I so want to make my own prosciutto and soppressata but am afraid of killing someone lol. The whole good fungus vs bad fungus you must know the difference part scares me.
I also prefer my soppressata with lower salt than most, but I never go less than 2%. You are much bolder than me. I'm tempted to slip under under that limit also.