Where Are You Getting Wagyu Brisket?


is Blowin Smoke!
Oct 22, 2008
Philly, PA
Retirement Party Coming Up Next Month. Brisket Is What They Want. Where To Buy In My Area Or Online? Thanks In Advance.
Butcher shoppe in Pensacola,Florida !A9 wagyu and Jordan and Kevin will take care of you! They ship!
They don't have a Website other than a facebook page so you have to call. They ship to a lot of comp teams and as NavarreQ said great people.
Hope They Ship.
Poster's location is TX, so unless he drives 4 states over, i assume they ship. The question is, how many do you need to buy and how much does shipping cost? Might be more like $10/lb or more till you figure all those extra costs.
Smoke'n Dudes in Bensalem About 1.5 miles from the Neshaminy Mall They also sell this to Comp Teams

Nice, im about an hour and a half from Bensalem. Might have to research this place your talking about. Always wanted to try a Wagyu brisket, just not at insane prices. If they are any easier then Prime i could cook one in my :sleep: