catalytic garage stove with UDS around chimmeny?


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2014
Reaction score
Fo Mo, CO
seems like would be ideal setup... thataway you get heat AND Q at the same time!!!!?????!! maybe minimal smoke inlets into barrel? assuming its not very air tight?
I would say: Bad idea.

1. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a possibility.

2. All it takes is one flare up to set your garage/house on fire.
I know there are kits out there to turn a barrel or 2 into a wood stove for heating garages. I've seen a couple of the double's in use before and they are pretty good, but the top barrel is pretty high off the ground. I thought about using a set up like this before I built my UDS.

If it is properly vented via chimney outside of the building and the fire doesn't smolder I think it would work. The hardest thing would be to actually use it for smoking and heating at the same time. Normally when you are trying to heat an area you want the fire blazing.
gotcha. i guess i am more worried about the weird reactions that may impart bad chemicals into the food....

but yes, i would need it to be firesafeish, and accessible.

i have found a small double oven for free on facebook, disassembled it, cut a 5-6 hole in bottom, and have placed it on top of the small steel englander wood stove i have.

i plan on running it outdoors first, then if i ever even pony up the bucks to run in the garage i will revisit trying to smoke proof etc...

my other problem is here in nor east colorado, the dang "cheap cuts" arent so cheap. down in wichita dillons would have pork butt for 0.99/lb almost every other week. and brisket was only 3-4/lb. guess i left the holy land :(