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Dec 9, 2004
Wandering, but not lost
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Captain Ron
It’s that time again! Same location as last year!

When: Saturday, August 3, 2019
Where: Camp Ground Road Woods, Picnic Shelter 1
Google Maps

I have the shelter booked from 7:00am to 7:30pm, but as in the past I think most folks will arrive starting around 10am.

As before, I have paid for the permit, so a couple of $ (depending on how many folks show up) would be appreciated.

Please use this thread to sign up and discuss what you will be bringing!.

I will do my bulk PMs to past attendees, but please help spread the word, especially to guys who don't visit the forum very often! Let's fill the place!

We're going high-tech for sign up this year! Please click the link below to sign up and indicate if you will be cooking, what you can bring, and what your cooker needs are. Please update this as you make decisions :-D

Sign Up Sheet -
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Considering how many people we get for the winter get together, we should easily be able to top the number of people that attended last year's Texas Bash. Which was a blast BTW.

I'm in for 1 so far.
I think I can make this again. If any Iowa members want to carpool let me know. I got a decent room for $60/night near the gathering place. I went over on Friday and stayed Saturday and came home on Sunday.
:thumb: I'll try this again and hang out with you Farkers and my brother from another mother Bill. :bow:
None so far :-D

Want to be the first?

Although I live in North Texas, my companies corporate offices are in Chicago, and I have access to a kitchen in our Northlake R&D lab.

How far a drive to the bash from downtown Chicago? 30 minutes? Maybe I can find a reason to be in town that week and just stay over on Saturday. Hmmmm..... Wheels turning....
Although I live in North Texas, my companies corporate offices are in Chicago, and I have access to a kitchen in our Northlake R&D lab.

How far a drive to the bash from downtown Chicago? 30 minutes? Maybe I can find a reason to be in town that week and just stay over on Saturday. Hmmmm..... Wheels turning....

The site is very close to O’Hare, so yeah, about 30 minutes from downtown and probably 15 minutes from Northlake.

We would love to have you join us if it works out!
I've signed up for two. I'd like to cook/bring something. Most smokes take a long time so that would involve "bring." I could smoke mixed nuts. That doesn't take too long. I can do ribs in 4-5 hours on my 26" kettle. I'd have to get there early or we could have them for dessert. :mrgreen: Or I could think of some sides. I think corn is in season then. That would be good. I've done jalapeno poppers too.

Any suggestions? It will be more fun if we don't all bring the same thing.
I think I might know why we don't get a lot of people showing up in the summer...

*** 2019 Chicago Area Brethren Summer Gathering

We have a Gathering, Texans have a BASH!

I think I might know why we don't get a lot of people showing up in the summer...

*** 2019 Chicago Area Brethren Summer Gathering

We have a Gathering, Texans have a BASH!


They also make it a multiday event at a campground. We talked about looking into that last year but the consensus was not to go that route.

As far as the name, if that is what matters, I can change it. :-D