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Got rid of the matchlight.
May 23, 2017
Western, MA
Any suggestions for what works best to clean these? I'm using a Humprey's Battlebox and after the first few cooks washing the racks in the home sink have been a disaster. Sink to small big mess everywhere. I've read that some people use a weed torch and wire brush to get them clean afterwards. I'm starting to see the convenience in rounded metal stainless steel ones. Any suggestions would be welcome, and thanks.
I power wash mine every 3 to 5 cooks, depending how big/messy they've been, and just spot treat with balled up foil to knock the chunks off in between. Running the cooker for a bit after the meat comes off tends to help.
A weed burner will warp the expanded metal if it's near the center with no rod support. It *might* go back to it's original shape after it cools but you don't want to risk it just to get the food burned off. I got a $10 kiddie pool and just soak my grates in there.
I use degreaser and a wire brush, then squirt them with the hose. Be careful about little wires stuck in the expanded metal.
I have the Humphreys Down East Beast, I seasoned them well when I bought them, and I only have to brush them while they are still hot and everything just falls off.

Occasionally when I get lazy and don't brush when they are still hot, stuff will stick, and the weed burner works great, or I just set them on the Weber when I'm done grilling to get them hot, then brush.

The new stainless grates are really nice too, they just wipe clean. But they are $60.00 plus shipping... another added expense that may not be necessary for you.
I use the orange citric degreaser from HD . throw them on a wooden pallet and powerwash