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You guys are too funny. It's been a OVER A YEAR since he's had the WSM. On top of that, he is 51 years old, not some teenager. I can understand not knowing the how to successfully smoke a brisket, but there is absolutely no reason a 51 year old man does not know how if the vents are to be open or closed when starting charcoal and what to do after the cook is done. If he ask me again, I'm going over there and taking the WSM from him.
Thank your for this post, Remo. At first, I was a little salty with you, “Hey give your bro a break.” But the more I read, the more sympathetic I became. And I ended up laughing out loud. My wife came in and asked what was so funny. I got to share it with her since she knows I’ve been there before! Great post. I empathize, my bro.
I made my friend a UDS, gave him advice and pointed him to as a valuable resource. He was asking about pork butts and I told him my overnight method of putting it on at midnight and foiling at 6am. This would give him 5+ hours of uninterrupted sleep and pork ready by midday that could be served at lunch or dinner. I find this to be quite manageable.

The next time I saw him, I asked him how his cook went. He said it was done early. Then he went on to tell me that he just foiled it from the start as he didn’t want to be bothered. “ I never get up before 8am on the weekends.” Should have used his wife’s crockpot! He was happy with the results, though.
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You guys are too funny. It's been a OVER A YEAR since he's had the WSM. On top of that, he is 51 years old, not some teenager. I can understand not knowing the how to successfully smoke a brisket, but there is absolutely no reason a 51 year old man does not know how if the vents are to be open or closed when starting charcoal and what to do after the cook is done. If he ask me again, I'm going over there and taking the WSM from him.

Tough Love, Brother.:thumb:
Everything is easy if you know how. Not so much if you don't.

His experience reminds me of my first attempts at smoking 20 years ago... disaster!!! Then I started reading up on it. And I found online resources like here. I learned how much time is involved and about fire control. And the number one virtue in smoking - patience.
It's 5:46pm and he just called me asking how to probe the meat for tenderness, again! I tell him to use the thermometer. Then he asks how does he probe without removing the lid. OY VEY!

You should make up some elaborate voodoo ritual involving chicken bones, funny hats and the throwing of dice. Have his wife video it.
This is why I don't have friends...:razz: Seriously though I have not had this problem my friends have always been content to let me do the cooking. Even in college I would get invited to dinner to find that dinner would be ready once I had cooked the ingredients that had been purchased, I didn't mind cause I always like cooking.

A few years back a friend of mines wife was out of town for a couple of days he calls me up and asked me if I like ham sandwiches and if I knew how to make one. I answered yes to both questions then he asked I could come over and make us both a ham sandwich. Apparently his wife left the ingredients but had failed to pre-slice the ham and leave instruction on how to assemble said sandwich...:rolleyes: Thank goodness she left all his other meals in microwave safe dishes with explicit instructions on what to do. What makes this relevant is he was a civilian project engineer for 30 years with the Navy in charge of Refueling and Overhaul of nuclear powered carriers.
A few years back a friend of mines wife was out of town for a couple of days he calls me up and asked me if I like ham sandwiches and if I knew how to make one. I answered yes to both questions then he asked I could come over and make us both a ham sandwich. Apparently his wife left the ingredients but had failed to pre-slice the ham and leave instruction on how to assemble said sandwich...:rolleyes:

After she moved out "on her own", my daughter called my wife one time asking "how long do you boil hot dogs?". YOU can cook but there's a ton of folk who can't even follow instructions on the box of Kraft macaroni and cheese.
Actually, I've been on both sides of that coin but I tried to listen and learn and found this site. Some of the young guns I try to pass knowledge to want to argue with me after 37 years in the HVAC business. That's OK. I just let them find out the hard way after that.

I have a new Son in law who just got a WSM and he thinks it should be as easy to make a brisket that taste like mine as running a microwave. Hopefully he will learn.

PS: He too is an engineer. :tsk:
Thanks Everyone for your stories and understanding. I got some good laughs from some of your responses. I didn't hear back from my friend last night after he asked what to do with the smoker after he pulled the meat, nor did he text me any pictures. But, he did try to call me today. I didn't pick up the phone cause I was still annoyed with him. Haha.
Thanks Everyone for your stories and understanding. I got some good laughs from some of your responses. I didn't hear back from my friend last night after he asked what to do with the smoker after he pulled the meat, nor did he text me any pictures. But, he did try to call me today. I didn't pick up the phone cause I was still annoyed with him. Haha.

Yep, get ready to hear a sob sorry. I know I hear them. :doh:
I actually have the opposite where I have smart friends and I give them dumb advise :becky:! Not sure why they listen to me.........or pretend to be my friend...........:crazy:

My buddy stopped by a few days before Thanksgiving to borrow one of my Hunsakers. Told him how to load it and said adjust the vents a little to get around 300 and chuck the turkey on and take it off when its done.

Told him to message me with questions the day of if needed, but the only time he did was sending me a pick of the color about half way through to see if I thought it was time to put some foil over it so it didn't get dark.

Was his first time using the smoker and maybe only the 2nd he's really smoked anything.....other than watching me do it other times. This were the pics he sent me.




I actually have the opposite where I have smart friends and I give them dumb advise :becky:! Not sure why they listen to me.........or pretend to be my friend...........:crazy:

My buddy stopped by a few days before Thanksgiving to borrow one of my Hunsakers. Told him how to load it and said adjust the vents a little to get around 300 and chuck the turkey on and take it off when its done.

Told him to message me with questions the day of if needed, but the only time he did was sending me a pick of the color about half way through to see if I thought it was time to put some foil over it so it didn't get dark.

Was his first time using the smoker and maybe only the 2nd he's really smoked anything.....other than watching me do it other times. This were the pics he sent me.

This is the case of "It's not cook. It's the cooker" :becky:
This is a fantastic post and I too laughed my rump roast off... ive found that pointing newbies to pellet grills mitigates most of the questions except what cut what temp and how long... they will find there way to charcoal or sticks after that if they really get interested in the end product... and a couple of them have gotten really nice pellet grills for me to ooggle-envy over.
Yep, get ready to hear a sob sorry. I know I hear them. :doh:

I talked to my friend yesterday and he didn't say anything about how the brisket flat came out. Today, he told me that it didn't turn out too good and that he won't be trying that again. He told me that he had trouble at the beginning because he didn't have any newspaper for the chimney starter and that he then had trouble keeping the fire going after awhile.

The funny thing is that when he got the WSM, I knew he would have trouble with it because he's so impatient. Shortly after he got the WSM, I found a Junior Traeger on CL that I picked up for $70. I offered to give it to him and told him it would be easier for him to use, but he put his nose up in the air and said his sister has a Traeger and thinks she's all that, and he was turned off by the thought of having a Traeger.

Oh well. I cleaned up the Junior Traeger and sold it for $200.
As an engineer who works with other engineers, I appreciate the difficulty you had. Cooking is an art that many left brained types have trouble with. Smoking adds in the variation of too many temperature and time combinations for some to grasp.