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Well you know we had to eat lunch.... I brought some beef ribs... 30'poundsof conecuh sausage and some boudan from Jerry Lee's.....Matt did us up right by putting it in the smoker above the hog

The boudan

On the smoker......

The bones are ready

Conecuh is ready too

Boudan is done

Me TuscaloosaQ acting foolish

Chris(oifmarine) Kirk (chicagokp) Sharon.... and matts (shagdog's) mom and dad..... it is awesome would have never met the people had it not been for the brethren.

Smoke ninja and his gal

Well it is done.... the hog is amazing!!!!!

Off the smoker

Youngins inspecting the hog

The hog had beautiful color

Ran the cooker around 300 degrees.... hog was 110 pounds....

Shagdog and the hog up close and personal

Ready to pull

Smokerpa.(Ryan) seems to be happy

Ryan... Kirk... and chris

The cabbage and after math of the hog.... cabbage was stuffed in the hog to help maintain shape and keep the loins protected

The cabbage was awesome. Ryan was wrapping some hog up in the cabbage and eating it like spring rolls. Really good.

Nice looking end product.

First time I've heard of using cabbage. A local fella does pig roasts for cash and he stuffs the cavity with whole chickens, and sliced peppers and onions.

Another local just stuffs a couple of butts in there to protect the loins.

I might have to give the cabbages a try.