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My official I don't know what I'm doing TD entry.

I really don't know what the TD is, I thought it was about marshmallows but apparently its not :noidea: but I knew the potential for a fun entry was there.
I really wanted to do ribs but been there done that and I'd probably get a Dilly Bar which really isn't a bad thing and could be fun.
Then I saw a thread, several actually titled my ribs taste like Ham. I thought to myself hmmmm, I don't think I've ever made ribs that tasted like ham.
That's when it hit me, "Fark that hurts" I said.
So began my quest to make HammyBack Ribs.

It started with the basic brine from the book Charcuterie by Ruhlman and Polcyn it soaked for just short of 24 hours.

Then I soaked and rinsed them off and put on a rack in the fridge overnight to equalize. Before going on the smoker I studded it with some cloves, it is a ham after all.

I needed a glaze for these farkers so I used Deguerre's Ham glaze sans HDD, glazed and pineappled at 141*

The racks on the sides of the HammyBacks are insurance in case of a total fail so we don't starve.

I've never done any of this before and I was worried if the ribs were brine'd long enough, are they gonna be too salty or just plain nasty. I ended up with HammyBack Ribs!!!!

Total success!! Not too salty tasted like ham and was cured all the way through.

So then I thought "Fark!! now what", so I just sliced some off the bones.

Then it hit me again, this time I was ready for it and it didn't hurt as much as the first time. I thought hmmmm.... I've never poached an egg or made hollandaise sauce, I have however toasted an English muffin before.

Vote pic below please.

I was very pleased how it all turned out thanks for looking and more important thanks for putting up with my senseless dribble. :thumb:



Please accept this as my entry for this throwdown.

In before the deadline :clap2: (though I was sampling at 11:00 PM on Sunday night. :wink: )

This is goat smoked and braised with Adobo sauce. I can't recall having goat since our honeymoon decades ago and I've never cooked it before. I used the goat to make a taco with some shredded cheddar and romaine, cilantro, chopped scallion and tomato slices.


It came out good! Flavor is reminiscent of lamb but stronger and plays off well against the also strong Adobo sauce. I don't know if SWMBO will enjoy it. (I wish I had a video camera on when I told her I was smoking goat. The transition of expressions was priceless.) But I'll have no difficulty finishing it. :grin:

Cook thread is at
Official Entry, (never entered one so WTH)

My First Brisket.

I decided to dive in and try my first brisket, I started out with a 5.5 lb full packer my BIL brought over from the cow they purchased. I trimmed it up and injected it with a little beef broth, Tiny bit of FRH, garlic, and Worcester. Next I rubbed it down with S&P, Garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, and a tiny bit of cayenne and covered it up and let it sit in the fridge overnight for the cook on Saturday. HE also brought a couple beef ribs they had thawed out by accident and I rubbed them down with Oakridge BBQ Santa Maria. I Fired up the UDS about 8:15 a.m. and let her settle in around 275-300 and threw on the brisky and beef ribs around 9 a.m. I let the beef ribs cook until about noon and we pulled them off and snacked on them for lunch, at 1:30 I wrapped the brisket up in Foil and added a little beef broth and threw it back on the pit. I got side tracked and about 3:45 I checked on it and it probed like butta so I pulled it off and put it in a cooler for dinner. Rested until around 5:30, pulled it off and sliced it up. All in all it had an amazing flavor, I think it could have been more moist as I think I over cooked it just a smidgen, I could not have missed the perfect window bu 30 minutes most. It did not fall apart but it also did not bend like I have learned means I nailed it but everyone loved it and it was not dried out so I will call this first brisky a success.

Rubbed and ready for smoke.

Wrapping it up to finish it off.

Sliced and ready to eat

Plated with Smoked mac n cheese and some veggies.

Please use this ^^^^^^as my official entry photo.
Official Entry, (never entered one so WTH)

Unfortunately, you still haven't entered one :-D

I hate to do this, but your entry is late. The rules in the first post state that entries have to be submitted by 6:00am Central Time today.


You may submit entries that are cooked from Friday 1/3 through Sunday 1/12.

Entry pictures must be submitted by 6 a.m. Central US Time on Monday morning 1/13